duminică, 24 ianuarie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă a fost lansată în Italia de 2 €: Donatello - 24.01.2016

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Also yesterday we learned about the design of the second commemorative 2-euro coin issued in Italy this 2016 coin is dedicated to 550 anniversary of the death of Donatello.

To this currency are announced, like the other Italian, 1.5 million pieces, but this time by facilitating the month of issue, February, though possibly, as they usually do in Italy, that is the date for the marketing portfolios or coincard with BU and Proof coins, was later circulated packaged in rolls or cartridges. 

Themes represented in the currency

In the center of the core head bronze sculpture entitled The David by Donatello it made around 1440 and now preserved in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence appears. To the left are inscribed the initials "IR" of the issuing country (Italy) and the year of commemoration "1466" and "2016", while above does mark the Italian mint in Rome "R", and right the initials "CM" of the designer, Claudia Momoni. Below, in an arched line that conforms to the outer edge of the core contained the words "DONATELLO".

David is a bronze sculpture of 158 cm, designed by Italian sculptor Donatello. The work was done around 1440 by order of Cosimo de Medici, who wanted to place it in the gardens of his palace in Florence. It is now preserved in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello in Florence.

Text: Carlos Pelaez


Donato di Niccolò di Betto Bardi, known as Donatello (1386-1466) was an Italian artist and sculptor of the early Renaissance, one of the fathers of the period together with Leon Battista Alberti, Brunelleschi and Masaccio. Donatello became an innovative force in the field of monumental sculpture and treatment of the reliefs, where he managed to make a big depth within a flat minimum, being called by the name of stiacciato, ie "flattened or crushed relief".

Donatello's fame was so great during the High Renaissance, influenced great artists like Andrea del Verrocchio, Raphael, Michelangelo and Benvenuto Cellini and others.

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