sâmbătă, 24 decembrie 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Ucraina - 24.12.2022

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The latest coin issued by Ukraine is dedicated to Archangel Michael, one of the most revered biblical characters and known as the composer archangel. The Bank of Ukraine presents us with the coin and its protagonist with the following description:

«Archangel Michael is a constant fighter against the forces of evil, defender of faith, patron of warriors who fight for just causes and protect good. The respectful attitude towards the Archangel Michael has been preserved from the times of the Grand Dukes to the present day, he became a symbol of heavenly protection from the power of the Kiev princes, later this veneration was recorded not only toponymically, in the names of the church buildings, but also heraldically, on the coats of arms of kyiv, Kiev Voivodeship, kyiv Oblast. Today, the image of him is present in the attributes of the Ukrainian paratroopers and once again personifies the fight against the forces of evil.»

On the reverse of the coin is the Archangel Michael on a mirror background (golden decorative element); the inscription: … ЗА НАС І ДУШІ ПРАВЕДНИХ, І СИЛА АРХІСТРАТИГА МИХАЇЛА (… the souls of the righteous and the power of the Archangel Michael are with us), from the poem Haidamakynkoras Ukchenkoras Shechevic. 

The obverse shows above the coat of arms of Ukraine, below which is the name of the country УКРАЇНА (Ukraine), all surrounded by a stylized wreath made of laurel leaves; at the bottom of the coin is its nominal value 10 ₴ ( 10 grivnas) ; In the center, within an octagonal shape, is the logo and name of the НАЦІОНАЛЬНИЙ / БАНК УКРАЇНИ (National Bank of Ukraine), and the year of issue of the coin, 2022.


Face value: 10 grivnas
Metal: Silver (purity not specified)
Diameter: 38.6 mm
Weight: 31.1 g
Issue volume: 5,000

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