joi, 2 mai 2019

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Estonia - 02.05.2019

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The Eesti Pank (Bank of Estonia) has just published the design of the commemorative 2 euro coin that next year will be dedicated to the "Centennial of the Tartu Peace Treaty", the work of graphic designer Ivar Sakk.

The two-euro coin for the centenary of the Tartu Peace Treaty will enter into circulation at the beginning of 2020, on an exact date yet to be determined and with an unannounced issue volume.

The Tartu Peace Treaty was signed between Estonia and Soviet Russia on February 2, 1920 in Tartu, and set the eastern border of Estonia, ending the War of Independence.

The design of Ivar Sakk was approved by a Supervisory Board of the Bank of Estonia, after a public competition to design the currency

Ivar Sakk is a designer and design historian who works in Tallinn. He graduated in 1986 from the department of industrial art of the state art institute of Estonia. After graduating, he worked as an independent graphic designer for the agencies Graaf, Vaal Disain and Sakk & Sakk. Ivar Sakk has taught at the Estonian Academy of Arts since 2003, and in 2005-2015 he was professor and head of the graphic design department.

The Tartu Peace Treaty is a peace treaty between Estonia and Soviet Russia signed on February 2, 1920 that ends the War of Independence of Estonia. The terms of the treaty established that "Russia recognizes without reservation" the independence of the Republic of Estonia renouncing in perpetuity all rights over the territory of Estonia. Ratifications of the treaty were exchanged in Moscow on March 30, 1920. It was registered in the Treaty Series of the League of Nations on July 12, 1922.
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