sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2022

Noi monede comemorative din Portugalia - 05.11.2022

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The motifs and designs to which the two 2-euro commemorative coins that Portugal will issue in 2023 will be dedicated have been revealed. We also know their issue volumes, although not their date of entry into circulation.

2 euro commemorative coin Portugal 2023 – Peace among Nations

One of the coins is dedicated to Peace among nations and friendly and mutually beneficial coexistence. The search for peace must be based on a collective effort towards a common purpose. In the current highly polarized geopolitical context, the Portuguese Mint hopes that this coin will help remind us of the urgency of protecting the invaluable asset that is peace.

On the national side of the coin, the word "PEACE" appears radially in the 16 official languages ​​spoken in the 20 countries of the euro area as of January 2023.

The inscription on the edge to the right of the vertical axis reads "PORTUGAL", "2023"; and on the left the name of its designer and the mintmark “CASA DA MOEDA”, the name of the Portuguese Mint.

2 euro commemorative coin Portugal 2023 – World Youth Day

The other coin is dedicated to World Youth Day (WYD), which will be held in Lisbon in August 2023. WYD is a world meeting of young people, who want to participate in a festive meeting with the Pope and with hundreds of thousands of other young people who share the same universal principles of peace, union and brotherhood throughout the world.

The national side of the coin represents the Pilgrim Cross, a set of human-like figures of different sizes and textures that unfold like a globe. At the bottom, two hands wrap around the whole in a gesture of welcome to the inclusion and universality that this meeting implies.

On the upper edge, two labels read "JORNADA MUNDIAL DA JUVENTUDE" and "LISBOA 2023". On the lower edge, the coat of arms of Portugal, the label “PORTUGAL”, the mint mark “CASA DA MOEDA” and the name of the designer.

Common Features

The print run will be 1,000,000 units, which will be distributed at their face value. 7,500 units will go on sale in BU quality and another 7,500 in Proof quality.

Thanks for the information to colleague Paul (Euromunter)

2 euro commemorative coins 2023

2 euro commemorative coins from Portugal
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