luni, 9 mai 2022

Despre o nouă monedă comemorativă din Ucraina și proiectele ei - 09.05.2022

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The National Bank of Ukraine announced the results of a design competition, aimed at issuing a series of coins to honor Ukraine's struggle against Russian aggression, these pieces will tell the world of Ukraine's heroic resistance against the invading Russian forces.

Almost 3,000 people participated in the vote, which was held between April 5 and 20, 2022. They could choose between 80 sketches from 35 designers who participated in the contest.

As a result of public voting, these were the designs that received the highest number of votes.

“Unity is strength” – Alina Maliuta (Ukraine)

 Obverse: In the center appears the coat of arms of Ukraine surrounded by images that symbolize the national unity of Ukraine: people join their hands intertwined by a blue and yellow ribbon.

Reverse: In the center, the coat of arms of Ukraine and the legend Україна (Ukraine) (top), 2022 (bottom).

“Snake Island” – Vitalii Shevariov (Ukraine)

Obverse: An image of the famous Snake Island, on which Ukrainian border guards and soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confronted the Russian warship on the first day of the war, and the legend: ОСТРІВ ЗМІЇНИЙ (Island of the Snakes) (above), “РУССКИЙ ВОЕНН Ы Й КОРА Б ЛЬ – ИДИ НАХ**Й!” (Russian warship, fuck you) (down)

Reverse: A Ukrainian border guard, a blue and yellow Ukrainian flag flying on a flagpole, and the Ukrainian coat of arms (below).

«The Ghost of kyiv» – Maryna Kuts (Ukraine).

 Obverse: An airplane and the legend Україна (Ukraine) and the coat of arms of Ukraine (above) appear against a stylized map background.

Reverse: The legendary aviation pilot, who shot down dozens of Russian fighters in dogfights over kyiv, bears the legend Привид Києва (Ghost of kyiv) above his head.

“Glory to Heroes” – Miroslav Hric (Slovak Republic/Czech Republic)

Obverse: Images of three defenders, one woman and two men, on a blue and yellow ribbon Below is the legend: Слава Героям! (Glory to the Heroes).

Reverse: A composition depicting the battle between good and evil currently taking place in Ukraine: Against the background of the blue and yellow map of Ukraine is Saint Michael the Archangel, a symbol of good, who is killing the devil, a evil symbol. Above is the legend: “Світ переможе темряву!” (The light will overcome the darkness!).

“Ukraine is the Homeland of Heroes” – Mariia Padii (Ukraine) 

Obverse: A stylized trident of the coat of arms of Ukraine surrounded by flowers and ears of wheat; above, the legend: УКРАЇНА (UKRAINE).

Reverse: symbolic composition in which a woman and a soldier appear holding hands on the background of a road; above, the emblem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, with the legend: МАТИ ГЕРОЇВ (HOMELAND OF HEROES). 

Numismatic plans

After analyzing all the designs submitted to the competition and the results of the public vote, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has started work on the first of a series of coins that will represent the story of the heroic resistance of the Ukrainians against the Russian invaders.

"In times of war, Ukrainians demonstrate absolute and unbreakable unity. "As long as you continue to live in harmony and work and stay together, each for the other and all for one, no enemy will be able to conquer you," said Ivan Franko in his novel Zakhar Berkut. Therefore, our currency will be called "In the strength of unity". The force is strengthened by the unity of Ukrainians in their fight against the Russian aggressor, as well as by the support given to Ukraine by the whole world," said Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine Oleksii Shaban.

The NBU plans to reproduce on one side of these coins Alina Maliuta's "Unity is Strength" design, which was among the top five designs that participated in the open vote, while the other side will be based on the design "Assistance from partner countries" by Serhii Topkin (below these lines), who also participated in the contest. 

The NBU will reproduce other designs and creative works on numismatic products (commemorative coins, medals, souvenir banknotes, etc.), to be announced at a later date. “We thank all the artists who participated in the contest and submitted their inspiring works. We also thank everyone who participated in the open voting on designs to create numismatic products in honor of our heroic resistance, and the future and indubitable victory of Ukraine”, said the deputy governor of the NBU. He also added that the BNU wants to continue working with all artists, authors and designers who wish to create numismatic products together with the BNU.
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