marți, 12 iulie 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Ucraina - 12.07.2022

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Ukraine has wanted the first coin to be issued since the Russian invasion, which began last February, to recognize the countries that have been supporting Ukraine and a world in freedom.

The National Bank of Ukraine, today, July 11, begins a series of commemorative circulation coins called "My Immortal Ukraine", with the issuance of the first piece of the series, called "The Force of Unity", it wants to put in value the national unity of Ukrainians in the fight against the Russian aggressor and the international support that the whole world gives to Ukraine.

Bank of Ukraine note

The desire for freedom is a value that defines Ukrainians. Our struggle for the independence and integrity of the country has been going on for centuries… After the treacherous attack by Russian troops on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the main obstacle for the aggressor and the guarantee of the free development of the states and peoples of Europe was became the confrontation that took place on Ukrainian soil. Understanding this, the entire civilized world has sided with Ukraine, providing humanitarian, economic, security and military aid.

Three versions for the same coin

This currency will be issued in three different forms. One with a silver face of 10 hryvnias and the other two with a face of 5 hryvnias in alpaca alloy, part of which will be presented in a special way.

On the obverse of the coins, on a mirror background, there is a small state coat of arms of Ukraine (in the center), around which a stylized symbolic composition of the unity of people of good will around the world is depicted: hands joined two by two, closed in a circle and wrapped with a blue-yellow ribbon; inscriptions: UKRAINE (above in a semicircle), the year of minting of the coins is 2022 (left), the denomination is indicated in a semicircle below: 10 hryvnias in the silver coin, 5 hryvnias in the base metal coin.

On the reverse of the coins, on a mirror background, are: at the top, in a semicircle, the inscriptions in two languages ​​IN UNITY STRENGTH, under which there is a stylized composition of the flags in color of the countries providing comprehensive assistance to Ukraine: the United States, Great Britain, Poland, Canada, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Italy, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, France and Japan.

Characteristics of the coins

Face value: 5 hryvnias / 10 hryvnias
Metal: Alpaca (German silver) BU quality / Silver 925 BU quality
Diameter: 35 mm / 38.6 mm
Weight: 16.5 g / 31.1 g
Issue volume: 250,000 (75,000 in special presentation) / 5,000

Where can these coins be obtained?

I know that Numismatics Store and LuzdeFaro have been negotiating with the Bank of Ukraine for a few weeks the official distribution for Spain and South America of this and all the coins that will be issued in the coming months.
Sursa informațiilor aici.

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