duminică, 16 octombrie 2016

Monedele şi bancnotele de circulaţie din Suedia - 16.10.2016

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In 2015 the Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) began the renovation of all its coins and notes, earlier this month of October 2016 with the issuance of the last two bills remained to be updated, the entire Swedish monetary cone has been modernized with safer against forgeries and smaller coins make it less burdensome for the public coffers manufacturing banknotes. 


The current series of coins consists of only four values: 1, 2, 5 and 10 crowns (the latter has not changed). The coins have been designed by artist Ernst Nordin, under the theme "The sun, wind and water", represented the love of the Swedes by nature, besides being a famous song with the same name.


In the six notes of the series, they appear universal characters of Swedish culture.

20 crowns (2.06 €)

Reason on the obverse: the writer of children's stories Astrid Lindgren (creator of the character Pippi Longstocking).

Reason on the back: Smaland, where Astrid Lindgren grew.

50 crowns (5.15 €)

Reason on the obverse: the poet, composer and artist Evert Taube.

Reason on the back: Bohuslän, one of many places that inspired Evert Taube.

100 Crowns (10,31 €)

Reason on the obverse: Actress Greta Garbo

Reason on the back: Stockholm where Greta Garbo grew

200 Crowns (20,62 €)

Reason on the obverse: the film director Ingmar Bergman.

Reason on the back: Gotland (faro), where he made his home Ingmar Bergman.

500 Crowns (51,55 €)

Reason on the obverse: opera singer Birgit Nilsson

Reason on the back: Skåne, where he grew Birgit Nilsson

1.000 crowns (€ 103.11)

Reason on the obverse: the Secretary General of the UN and member of the Swedish Academy, Dag Hammarskjold.

Reason on the back: Lappland, an area of ​​natural beauty that was of great interest to Dag Hammarskjöld.

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