miercuri, 9 martie 2016

Australia sărbătoreşte 50 de ani de la adoptarea sistemului monetar decimal - 09.03.2016

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In this 2016 Australia celebrates the 50th anniversary of the adoption of decimal currency in the country, a fact that took place exactly on February 14, 1966. To commemorate the said event coins circulating this year they have changed their obverse, in the that pennies and shillings of their old currency is. 

Above you can see as has been the obverse of the coins Australian series this year. Down the back, which is unchanged from previous years. 

The 2016 coin series has been put on sale in a portfolio that is now available in Australia.Loose coins intended for circulation will broadcast throughout the year, each value in a different month.

Previous monetary system

The old monetary system was quite complicated, being something like this:

Smaller units were farthings, ha'pennies, threepence coins and coins of sixpence. Two coins = a shilling sixpence. Two shillings = a florin. A guilder and sixpence = half a crown.Four half-crowns = a ten shillings. Two ten shillings = one pound (or 240 pence): A pound and one shilling = a guinea.

The strange thing is not to leave before the decimal system, go mess.

photo Designguy84

I leave a curious video made in 1965 that was broadcast on television, so as to prepare the population for change was coming from 14 February 1966.

Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: australianmint

And another that showed how the new coins were produced, the ground on which were already inspired designers at work.

Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: NFSA Films

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