joi, 2 mai 2019

International Colloquium: Temples and Cult Places from the Second Iron Age in Europe, Alun, 9-12 May 2019 (Programme)

2nd International Colloquium “Iron Age Sanctuaries and Cult Places at the Thracians and their Neighbors”

Temples and Cult Places from the Second Iron Age in Europe

Alun, Hunedoara County (Romania), 9-12 May 2019


International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences (UISPP) – Comission: Prehistoric and Protohistoric Mortuary Practices

Study Centre of Dacica FoundationOrganizing Committee:

Prof. Dr. Valeriu Sîrbu, President, 30th Commision UISPP

Dr. Aurora Pețan, Secretary, Study Centre of Dacica Foundation


THURSDAY, 9 May 2019

10.00-14.00 – Welcome and registration of the participants

14.00 – 15.00 – Lunch

16.00 – Official Opening Ceremony of the 2nd International Colloquium

Speakers: officials, organizers and participants

SESSION: 17.00-19.00. CHAIRPERSON: Prof. Dr. Ion Niculiță
Prof. Dr. Diana Gergova (Bulgaria) – History of the investigations and interpretations of the Great Sveshtari tumulus. Sboryanovo National Reserve in NE Bulgaria
Dr. Viviana Carbonara, Dr. Davide Delfino (Italy) – The cult of Hercules between 6th and 2nd c. BC in the bronze statuary of the Samnitic Museum of Campobasso (Molise, Italy)
Prof. Dr. Cristian Schuster (Romania) – Getic cult places and cult objects in the Lower Arges River Basin
Dr. Magdalena Ștefan, Dr. Dan Buzea (Romania) – Some notes about ritual persistence and sacred space reuse. Depositional practices during Late Iron Age in south-eastern Transylvania


19.30 – Dinner

FRIDAY, 10 May 2019

SESSION: 9.00-13.30. CHAIRPERSON: Dr. Ana Margarida Arruda
Prof. Dr. Marko Dizdar (Croatia) – A Late La Tène Scordiscan Sanctuary from Osijek?
Prof. Dr. Dragi Mitrevski (North Macedonia) – Cult places and activities in pre-Roman times in Northern Macedonia
Dr. Alexey Gotsev,Prof. Dr. Vassil Markov (Bulgaria) – Research on Thracian megalithic monuments and sanctuaries in the Western Rhodopes, Rila and Pirin (Southern Bulgaria)
Dr. Milena Tonkova (Bulgarie) – Lieux de culte et sanctuaires en Thrace du Vie-Ier s. av. J.-C. État du recherche


11.15-11.30 –Coffee break

CHAIRPERSON: Prof. Dr. Marko Dizdar
Prof. Dr. Ana Margarida Arruda (Portugal) – Oriental sanctuaries in Far West: architectures, rituals and cultual practices in Portugal during the Iron Age
Dr. Tomasz Bochnak (Pologne) – Chien degarde, chien guide ? – un état de la recherche sur les vestiges canins dans la culture de Przeworsk en Pologne
Prof. Dr. Valeriu Sîrbu, Dr. Diana Dăvîncă (Romania) – Dog skeletons found in the Geto-Dacian settlements (4th c. BC- 1stc. AD) – ritual/affective inhumations or corpse riddance? ­
Prof. Dr. Ion Niculiţă, Dr. Andrei Corobcean (Rep. of Moldova) – Religious places and constructionsof the Iron Age in the Prut-Dniester interfluve


13.30-14.30 – Lunch

SESSION: 15.30-20.00. CHAIRPERSON: Dr. Tomasz Bochnak
Dr. Horea Pop (Romania) – Măgura Moigradului, Sălaj County, Romania. The Dacian sacred Place after 80 Years from the first excavation
Prof. Dr. Valeriu Sîrbu, †Nicolae Conovici, Dr. Ioan Cernău (Romania), Sacred area in the Dacian dava from Crăsanii de Jos-Piscul Crăsani (Ialomitza County)
Katarzyna Skowron (Poland) – Ornamented hearths or altars from the Iron Age Poland. Revision
Prof. Dr. Valeriu Sîrbu, Dr. Aurora Pețan (Romania) – Who destroyed the Dacian temples? Some considerations about Sarmizegetusa Regia


17.30-17.45 – Coffee break
Dr. Sebastian Matei, Despina Măgureanu (Romania) – Ceramic artefacts at the end of their lives. The relation between the modes of disposal and deposition of the ceramic artefacts, and the cult edifices during the 2nd-1st centuries BC at the settlement from Cârlomănești, Buzău County
Dr. Aurora Pețan, Prof. Dr. Valeriu Sîrbu (Romania) – Temples and cult artifacts from the Dacian fortress Piatra Roșie
Dr. Xeni Arapogianni (Greece) – The Sanctuary of Asklepios at ancient Thouria
Dr. Christos N. Kleitsas (Greece) – Iron Age Sanctuaries and Cult Places at the Thracians and their Neighbors Temples and Cult Places from the Second Iron Age in Europe
Aris Tsaravopoulos (Greece) – Reserved subject


20.00 – Dinner

SATURDAY, 11 May 2019

9.00-18.00. Documentary trip in the area of the impressive Dacian residential centres in Orăştiei Mountains, including the capital of pre-Roman Dacia – Sarmizegetusa Regia

SUNDAY, 12 May 2017

08.30 – Official closing ceremony of the International Colloquium

09.00 – 12.00 – Documentary trip: Piatra Roșie – Dacian fortress and cult place

12.00-13.00 – Lunch

Departure of the participants

Sursa informațiilor DACICA.

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