joi, 5 octombrie 2017

Idei în Agora: Naționalitate și identitate europeană

Nationality and European Identity

Naționalitate și identitate europeană

Jörn Rüsen talks to Sorin Antohi

Jörn Rüsen în dialog cu Sorin Antohi

Dialog în limba engleză

Casa Filipescu-Cesianu

7 octombrie 2017, 18:00-20:00

Over the last few years, some of the basic concepts related to our understanding of Europe (both as a continent and as a normative political project) have been challenged by historical events, cultural and ideological evolutions, geopolitical, societal, and economic crises. Under the circumstances, we need to critically rethink notions such as nationality and European identity.

This dialogue starts from a critique of the the postnational attitudes of the German (and in the European) intelligentsia, and goes on to examine the above-mentioned notions and their contexts.

Jörn Rüsen (n.1938) este unul dintre cei mai importanți filozofi și teoreticieni ai istoriei din epoca noastră, precum și un umanist angajat. Dialogul cu Sorin Antohi va porni de la o critică a atitudinilor postnaționale ale intelighenției germane și europene.

Jörn Rüsen

Born in 1938 (Duisburg), and educated at the University of Cologne, he is one of the leading global figures of our time in the theory and methodology of historical studies, in the humanities in general. Senior Fellow at the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities) in Essen, whose president (and reformer) he was for ten years (1997-2007), Professor emeritus at the University of Witten/Herdecke (where he has taught intermittently from 1989 to 2007), former professor of general history with special respect to the theory of history at the University of Bielefeld, where he was also one of the directors of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research. He has also taught at the universities of Braunschweig, Berlin (Free University), Bochum. He was a visiting professor, has conducted research, and has lectured in centers of learning around the world, some of which he has helped to reform and develop. He has initiated and led many large-scale research and publishing projects, has published widely in the fields of theory and methodology of historical studies; history of historiography; intercultural comparison of historiography; structure and development of historical consciousness; theory of historical learning; theory, empirical manifestations and historical development of historical culture; history of human rights; strategies of intercultural comparison, humanism in a globalizing world. In 2017, the synthesis of his historical theory, which in many ways is our epoch’s response to the grand theories of the nineteenth century (significantly, the author’s first book was on the historical theory of Johann Gustav Droysen) Historik. Theorie der Geschichtswissenschaft (Böhlau, 2013), was translated into English: Evidence and Meaning. A Theory of Historical Studies (Berghahn Books).

Sorin Antohi (b. 1957) is an historian of ideas, essayist, translator, and consultant based in Bucharest, where he has established (2007) the Orbis Tertius / A Treia Lume Association, specialized in conferences and publications. He has studied English, French (University of Iași, Romania), and History (EHESS, Paris). He has taught mainly at the University of Michigan, the University of Bucharest, and the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest (where he has also served as Academic Pro-Rector and has founded Pasts, Inc. Center for Historical Studies). He has conducted research at universities, institutes of advanced study and other institutions in Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Bielefeld, Braunschweig, Stanford, Vienna, Essen, Berlin, Leipzig. He has lectured, participated in, (co)organized conferences, (co)directed academic projects in more than thirty countries. Among others, he has served as a member of the Board of the International Committee of Historical Studies, as well as on various editorial and foundation boards. He has published widely on intellectual history, history of ideas, historical theory and history of historiography, as well as on Romania in European contexts. With Jörn Rüsen and Chun-chieh Huang, he edits the book series, Reflections on In(Humanity), published jointly by Vandenhoek & Ruprecht and National Taiwan University Press.

Idei în Agora Ideas in the Agora

Program dedicat analizei spiritului public, realizat de Muzeul Municipiului București în parteneriat cu Asociația Orbis Tertius / A Treia Lume -- care asigură conținutul. Întâlnirile au formate diferite (conferințe, colocvii, seminarii, dezbateri publice etc.), propunând un dialog viu și deschis între curente, mișcări, personalități, viziuni despre lume, teorii, ideologii aflate în consens, rezonanță, tensiune ori conflict. Discuțiile sunt accesibile și prin live streaming, fiind apoi arhivate și folosite ca punct de plecare pentru publicații virtuale și tipărite.

Intelectualii publici și universitarii, politicienii și oamenii de afaceri, studenții, întregul public educat încearcă astfel să înțeleagă împreună lumea în care trăiesc. În singurul mod posibil: prin dezbaterea critică a ideilor.

Prima întâlnire: Marx and Marxism: Utopia, Dystopia, History. Gregory Claeys talks to Sorin Antohi (21 iunie 2017). A doua întâlnire: De ce este România cum este? Specificul național ca excepționalism. Vintilă Mihăilescu în dialog cu Sorin Antohi (2 iulie 2017). A treia întâlnire: Inintelighenția. Dorin Tudoran în dialog cu Sorin Antohi (9 august 2017). A patra întîlnire: De la sociologie și geografie la geopolitică în România interbelică. Conferință publică de Călin Cotoi. Moderator: Sorin Antohi (25 septembrie 2017) .

În pregătire: The Armenian Genocide: History, Memory, Responsibility, conferință internațională (13-14 octombrie 2017, Casa Filipescu-Cesianu). Antropologie și istorie recentă în România. Katherine Verdery în dialog cu Sorin Antohi (Casa Filipescu-Cesianu, 17 octombrie 2017, orele 18:00). Village-City-Nation: Utopia? / expuneri introductive de Gregory Claeys și Sorin Antohi, urmate de discuții (Casa Filipescu-Cesianu, 21 octombrie 2017, 18:30). Cultură, ideologie și politică în America de azi. Virgil Nemoianu în dialog cu Sorin Antohi (Casa Filipescu-Cesianu, 23 octombrie 2017, orele 18:00). Identități evreiești, identități românești. Moshe Idel în dialog cu Sorin Antohi (Casa Filipescu-Cesianu, 30 octombrie 2017, orele 18:00).

Sursa informaţiilor Casa Filipescu-Cesianu.

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