joi, 5 mai 2016

Cel mai mare diamant violet din lume

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Credit: Rio Tinto.

Rio Tinto’s Argyle Pink Diamonds business has unveiled the largest violet diamond recovered from the Argyle mine in Western Australia.

The 2.83 carat polished oval shaped diamond, known as The Argyle Violet, will be the dazzling centrepiece of the 2016 Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender, the annual showcase of the rarest diamonds from the Argyle mine.

Argyle Pink Diamonds manager Josephine Johnson said “We are very excited to announce this historic diamond ahead of our Tender launch. This stunning violet diamond will capture the imagination of the world’s leading collectors and connoisseurs.”
More than 90 per cent of the world’s rare pink diamonds com from the Argyle mine and it is the only source of hydrogen-rich violet diamonds. Violet diamonds are seldom seen and in 32 years Argyle has produced only 12 carats of polished violet diamonds for its iconic Tender.

The Argyle Violet was polished in Western Australia by one of Argyle’s master polishers, Richard How Kim Kam, from a 9.17 carat rough diamond discovered in 2015. The Argyle Violet has been assessed by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) as a notable diamond with the colour grade of Fancy Deep Greyish Bluish Violet.

Rio Tinto Diamonds general manager of sales, Patrick Coppens said “Impossibly rare and limited by nature, The Argyle Violet will be highly sought after for its beauty, size and provenance.”

The 2016 Argyle Pink Diamonds Tender will commence private trade viewings in June and travel to Copenhagen, Hong Kong and New York.

Note: The above post is reprinted from materials provided by Rio Tinto.

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