vineri, 11 martie 2016

Noi monede comemorative franceze de argint - 10.03.2016

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After the success harvested last year by the Monnaie de Paris with the currencies in which Asterix gave us to know the values ​​of the Republic, this year the formula is repeated using one of the icons of French novella and book more read and translated of all time, the Little Prince, as a character that invite us to discover France. 

In this new series The Little Prince changes his journey through the planets one by France, where he will discover the sweetness of life and the most beautiful places in the country.This is an opportunity for him to experience some activities practiced in France: the plays bocce, fly kites, know their markets. With this series, you can discover or rediscover some of the characteristic features of French regions. In other currencies in the series are symbolic graphic elements of the book: your planet, lamb, pink, birds ...

In total 29 pieces of which 24 will be 10 euros in silver, 4 of 50 euros silver (2 of them colored) and 1 250 euros in gold, all of them will be sold at face value by the Monnaie de Paris in two parts, the first on 21 March.

Coins of 10 euros 1st series

 Common features to all the currencies of 10 €

Metal: Silver 333
Diameter: 31 mm
Weight: 17 g
Issue volume: variable for each currency

Coins of 50 euros 1st series

Features coins 50 €

Metal: Silver 900
Diameter: 41 mm
Weight: 41 g
Issue volume: 25,000 colored /50.000 normal

In the second part of the year to complete the collection they will be issued. Other 12 of 10 euros, 50 euros 2 other and last gold of 250 euros.

The little Prince 

The Little Prince (French: Le Petit Prince) is a short novel and the most famous work of the French writer and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-1944).

The work was published in April 1943, in both English and French, by Reynal & Hitchcock US publisher, while the French publisher Éditions Gallimard could not print the work until 1946, after the liberation of France.

Included among the best books of the twentieth century in France, The Little Prince has become the book most widely read and translated into French. So translations has more than two hundred and fifty languages ​​and dialects, including Braille reading system.

The Little Prince, a story considered a children's book by the way in which it is written but which actually profound issues as the meaning of life, loneliness, friendship, love and loss are discussed.

Source: Wikipedia
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