duminică, 13 martie 2016

Catalog monede comemorative din Franţa 1/2016 - 13.03.2016

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I do not know if the catalog that I present today will have continuity in time, or was already being published and I did not know. The fact is that I will leave this catalog Monnaie de Paris, No. 1 of 2016, which serves us for the latest releases of the House of French currency in depth.

Unfortunately many of these issues have no place in Numismatic Visual, not because they are not interesting, they are much, but because of the lack of time to accommodate everything that is broadcast on the web. So this catalog and hopefully future, help me having you better informed about emissions from our neighboring country.

Sursa informaţiilor aici. Catalogul mai jos!

Sursa catalogului aici.
Catalogul în format PDF.

2 comentarii:

  1. I wanna buy this coin ! Can any one to tell me from where i can do that please ?

  2. You can order from the catalog above! There are more options read it all!
