miercuri, 4 mai 2022

Cum vor arăta noile monde euro de circulație din Croația - 04.05.2022

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Surely you will remember the scandal unleashed in Croatia by the choice of the design of the 1 euro coin in which there was a Marta whose image had been plagiarized. Today we already have the definitive design for this coin, which completes the series of Croatian euro coins that will begin to circulate on January 1, 2023.

All the designs that the Croatian euros present have come out of a public contest organized by the National Bank of Croatia, which they have had to repeat for the 1 euro coin, since both the winning design and the one that came in second place, they were found to have been plagiarized.

The Bank of Croatia decided to hold a new competition, but only for the design of the 1 euro coin. Finally, the design that the coin will show will also represent a Marta, since it was mandatory that it be so, and it is the work of Jagor Šunde, who has also received a prize of 70,000 kunas, which is equivalent to almost 9,300 euros.

All Croatian coins feature a common element, the chessboard. The Croatian chessboard is the national symbol of Croatia and the Croats and is present in the country's coat of arms. Squares are always displayed in red and white colors. It is considered one of the oldest national symbols in Europe

Definitive design of the Croatian 1 euro coin

 The 1 euro coin features the Kuna, the name of the current currency and which in the Croatian language refers to the animal known as Marta.

The kuna as currency dates back to the Middle Ages. In those days, the skin of the marten served as a method of payment, something that also ended up being adopted in the territory of what is now Croatia.

Design of the Croatian coins of 1, 2 and 5 cents


The 5, 2 and 1 cent coins have the same motif, dedicated to the Glagolitic Alphabet.

The Glagolitic alphabet is the oldest known Slavic alphabet. It was created by Saints Cyril and Methodius around 862-863 to translate the Bible and other texts into Old Church Slavonic.

Design of the Croatian coins of 10, 20 and 50 cents

The 50, 20 and 10 cent coins (proposed by the citizens) represent Nikola Tesla, one of the great inventors of the 19th century born in Croatia.

Inventor, engineer, and physicist, Nikola Tesla's developments laid the foundations for alternating current, including the polyphase electrical distribution system, and the alternating current motor, which made the Second Industrial Revolution possible.

2 euro croatian coin design

The 2 euro coin features the Map of Croatia.

If there is no setback, on January 1, 2023 these coins will circulate freely throughout all the countries of the eurozone.
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