vineri, 1 septembrie 2017

O nouă monedă comemorativă belgiană - 01.09.2017

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At the end of September, the announcement of the second 2-euro commemorative coin of Belgium will be issued, as will the first one, dedicated to one of the most important universities in the country and the bicentennial of its Foundation, the University of Ghent. Like the one dedicated to the University of Liege, already emitted, will count on a low volume of emission, 200,000 currencies.

The central part of the coin represents the University of Ghent logo, dated 1817 - 2017, surrounded by the Dutch and English inscription "200 Years of the University of Ghent" and the indication of the country BE. The mint mark of the Royal Mint of Brussels, represented by a head with a helmet of San Miguel Arcángel, and the mint mark of its address, represented by the coat of arms of the municipality of Herzele, are placed at the Right and left, respectively, of the country indication.

The issue volume is 200,000 coins, all of them will be put up for sale and will not come out in cartridges or rolls. They can be acquired in one of the following ways:

Coincard (175,000 units)
Proof version in case (5,000 units)

Portfolio with two 2 euro commemorative coins 2017, plus the eight regular circulation values ​​of the current year (20,000)

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