vineri, 16 decembrie 2022

O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Bangladesh - 16.12.2022

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Bangladesh new 50-taka commemorative note (B363a) reported for introduction on 19.12.2022

These 50-taka notes commemorate the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh’s constitution and supreme court.

B363 (PNL): 50 taka (US$0.60)

Pink, purple, and brown. Front: Bengali text; Sheikh Mujibur Rahman; Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban (National Parliament building) in Dhaka; 50th anniversary logo. Back: Bengali and English text; Supreme Court building in Dhaka; bank logo. 2-mm wide windowed security thread with demetalized bank logo and 50. Watermark: Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on pixelated background and electrotype bank logo and 50. Printer: (Security Printing Corporation). 130 x 60 mm. Paper.

a. 2022. Sig. 11: Kabir. Intro: 19.12.2022.

300-dpi scans requested of note as well as special envelope/folder numismatic product.


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