joi, 9 iunie 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Rusia - 09.06.2022

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A few days ago a new 10-ruble coin from the series of bimetallic coins intended for circulation called «Russian Federation» was put into circulation, this collection has been issued by the Bank of Russia for a few years and is dedicated to its Regions (Oblast ). The last of the series, for now, was issued on May 30, with an issue volume of 1 million coins, this time it was Ivanovo's turn, this is one of the forty-seven oblasts, nine krais, four autonomous districts and two federal cities that make up the Russian Federation.

Ivanovo Oblast or Region is an administrative-territorial unit of European Russia, a constituent territory of the Russian Federation and a part of the Central Federal District. The region is located in the center of European Russia. It is one of the smallest regions in Russia, preceded only by the Kaliningrad region.

The economic potential of the Ivanovo region is based on textile and clothing production companies. Machine building is the second most important industry in the region. The region has a developed transportation network. It includes highways, railways, airlines and the Volga River in its navigable part.

The region's network of cultural organizations includes 20 state and municipal museums, four theaters, a philharmonic hall, 639 cultural and entertainment facilities and libraries, a state archive, and a federal circus. The tourism industry is one of the most important sources for the development of the region.

On the reverse of the coin, in its central core, the coat of arms of the Ivanovo Region is shown, on the ring the inscriptions, at the top “Russian Federation” and at the bottom “Ivánovo Region”, complete the composition.

The obverse of the coin, at the top of the ring shows the inscription «Bank of Russia», at the bottom «2022». To the left and right of the ring, a branch of laurel and oak, respectively, elements that invade the central disc. In the center are the number "10" and the inscription "ruble" indicating the value of the coin. Inside the number "0" in a latent image is the number "10" and the inscription "rub". The mint mark is shown at the bottom.

Issuance data

Denomination: 10 rubles
Ring: Brass
-plated steel Core: Nickel- plated steel
Diameter: 27 mm
Maximum issue volume: 1 million


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