joi, 1 august 2024

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Slovacia - 01.08.2024

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One of the last coins issued by Slovakia commemorates the 80th anniversary of the Vrba-Wetzler report on the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and extermination camp, an important 32-page document which attempts to bear witness to the number of people who died in this concentration camp.

The Vrba–Wetzler Report, also known as the Auschwitz Protocol, is a 32-page document about the Auschwitz concentration camp in occupied Poland during the Holocaust. It was handwritten in Slovak and dictated between 25 and 27 April 1944 by Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler, two Slovak Jews who had escaped from Auschwitz on 7 April.

The report was written in the form of a report by Dr. Oscar Krasniansky of the Slovak Judenrat, or Jewish council, and simultaneously translated into German. This report represents one of the first attempts to estimate the number of people killed in the concentration camp. Copies of the report exist in the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in the Hudson River Valley, New York, in the Vatican archives, and at the Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem.

The report provided a detailed description of the atrocities committed at the Auschwitz concentration camp. It included information about gas chambers, mass executions and inhuman living conditions.

The report raised awareness of the Holocaust and increased pressure on the Allies to take action. Although the genocide could not be completely prevented, the report contributed to decision-making and the subsequent liberation of the concentration camps.

The obverse of the coin features a large triangle composed of smaller triangles referencing the marking system for prisoners at the extermination camp. The design is divided in two by a vertical line, partially overlapped by a cartographic representation of a railway. Each half features a semicircle of raised dots representing the camp’s guard posts. At the bottom left of the large triangle is a teddy bear symbolising the personal effects of the camp’s victims. On the right side, partially overlapping the triangle, are the prisoner numbers assigned to Alfréd Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba. The design also includes the Slovak coat of arms, the year of issue “2024”, the name of the issuing country “SLOVENSKO” (SLOVAKIA) and the mint mark of the “Kremnica Mint”.

The reverse is also divided by a vertical line, to the left of which appears half of an inverted triangle filled with smaller triangles of various sizes. To the right of this are two male figures representing Vrba and Wetzler escaping from prison. The year in which they wrote their report, “1944”, is written in the upper right-hand corner. In the lower right-hand quadrant, diagonally, are the names “ALFRÉD WETZLER” and “RUDOLF VRBA”, and next to them are the stylised initials “IŘ”, referring to the coin’s designer, Ivan Řehák. The design also features raised dots representing the camp’s guard posts, and in the lower left-hand corner, the coin’s face value, “10 EURO”, is inscribed.

Technical characteristics

Designer: Ivan Řehák
Metal: 900 silver
Weight: 18 g
Diameter: 34 mm
Country: Slovakia
Mint: Minsk, Kremnica
Tape recorder: Dalibor Schmidt
Issue volume: 5,800 BU / 13,500 Proof


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