sâmbătă, 18 noiembrie 2023

Poiecte monetare pentru noile monede euro din Bulgaria - 18.11.2023

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Yesterday, at a meeting of the Coordination Council for the preparation of the Republic of Bulgaria for accession to the euro zone, artistic projects for the design of the Bulgarian national side of the euro coins of all the denominations. If everything goes as planned, these new coins will begin to circulate on January 1, 2025.

For those of us who were expecting something new, we can say that these new coins are quite disappointing, since the designs are based on the current coins in circulation.

Six of them have the same design (1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents), the Knight of Madara, a large early medieval relief carved in the rock of the Madara plateau, east of the city of Šumen, in northeastern Bulgaria.

The 1 euro coin shows Ivan Rilski, also known as Saint John of Rila. This was a hermit monk in Bulgaria. He is renowned for helping with the miraculous healing powers of him. He is considered the founder of the Rila Monastery.

Finally, the 2 euro coin features Paisii Hilendarski. Bulgarian cleric who lived in the 17th century considered a key figure in the Bulgarian National Awakening. The edge of this coin will have the inscription «БОЖЕ ПАЗИ БЪЛГАРИЯ» (GOD PROTECT BULGARIA).

Initially the eight denominations of euro coins with the Bulgarian national face will be produced in a quantity of up to 1 million pieces for each denomination to check the quality of the produced coins and the certification of the Bulgarian Mint. The actual production of the necessary quantities of euro coins with the Bulgarian national face will take place following the Decision of the Council of the European Union on the adoption of the euro by the Republic of Bulgaria.


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