joi, 2 noiembrie 2023

Noi monede de aur comemorative din Vatican - 02.11.2023

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On October 26, two new coins were issued in the Vatican in which the protagonists are two Popes. The first with a 20 euro facial is for the "200th anniversary of the death of Pope Pius VII" and the second with a 50 euro facial is for the "400th anniversary of the death of Pope Gregory XV." Both coins are gold.

20 euros – 200th anniversary of the death of Pope Pius VII

Luigi Barnaba Gregorio Chiaramonti was elected Pope in 1800 (after more than three months of conclave in Venice). His 23-year pontificate went through one of the most difficult periods in the history of the Church: the French occupation of Rome. Solidly trained in the Benedictine school, he knew how to protect the rights of the Church against the pretensions of Napoleon. After years of exile, he returned triumphantly to Rome in 1814, and Pius VII decided to reconstitute the Society of Jesus. He was a great lover of art and demonstrated it in 1806, when he founded the Chiaramonti Museum, within the Vatican Museums, where the works of art stolen by Napoleon and later recovered were exhibited.

The artist Luigi Oldani represents the face of the Pontiff with the tiara on his head on the reverse of the coin.

Coin characteristics

Country Vatican City
Year Issued 2023
Coinage IPZS (Italy)
Quality proof
Diameter 21mm
Face Value 20 Euro
Shape Circular
Metal and purity Gold 917
Weight 6g
Maximum print run 1,300

The sale price for subscribers to Vatican broadcasts is €399

50 euros- 400th anniversary of the death of Pope Gregory XV

Pope Gregory pontificate. In 1621, he made the decision to celebrate the feast of Saint Joseph on March 19; In 1622, he founded the Congregation of Propaganda Fide, an exclusive instrument of the Holy See, dedicated to spreading the Gospel through missionary activity and promoting the union of Christian churches. 

The artist Marianna Frisone was inspired by the funerary monument in the Ludovisi chapel of the church of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in Rome, which shows the Pope in a blessing position seated on a throne.

Coin characteristics

Country Vatican City
Year Issued 2023
Coinage IPZS (Italy)
Quality proof
Diameter 28mm
Face Value 50 Euro
Shape Circular
Metal and purity Gold 917
Weight 15g
Maximum print run 1,000

The sale price for subscribers to Vatican broadcasts is €997
Sursa informațiilor aici.

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