joi, 2 noiembrie 2023

Noi monede de aur comemorative din Croația - 02.11.2023

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The Croatian National Bank has issued new gold collector coins under the name “Lace Making in Croatia”, with motifs that represent an important part of the cultural heritage of the Republic of Croatia and the world. These gold coins designed by Stjepan Divković, feature the following faces and weights: €100 (1 ounce), €25 (1/4 ounce) and €10 (1/16 ounce).

In the 15th century, lace originated in Europe, laying the foundation for what centuries later would be considered a cultural heritage of incalculable value. At first, lacemakers created lace for the clergy and nobility, but over time it became part of popular culture. It adorned traditional women's clothing and home clothes, but over the years it faced the threat of falling into oblivion. The awareness of the need to preserve it gave rise to numerous schools, workshops and courses through which the tradition continued to be transmitted from generation to generation. It also received recognition through the UNESCO proclamation and a place on the representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

On the obverse of the coins there is a stylized representation of lace from Pag, Lepoglava and Hvar, each of which is distinguished by its sewing techniques or the materials used. On the reverse of the coin it appears as a motif of Saint Mary's lace, characterized by its unique construction from a single uninterrupted thread.

Technical characteristics 
100 euros 31.10g 32mm 999.9 (gold) 1,000
25 euros 7.77g 22mm 999.9 (gold) 1,000
10 euros 1.94g 15mm 999.9 (gold) 3,000

The sale price of the coins is linked to the value of gold, as of November 1, their prices are €2,109, €565 and €153. respectively.
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