vineri, 21 iulie 2023

Noi seturi numismatice din Slovacia - 21.07.2023

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Slovakia has issued and put up for sale two eurosets to commemorate the 30th Anniversary of the National Bank of Slovakia, and the 30th. Anniversary of the Establishment of the Slovak Republic.

Both euroset minted in BU quality, have the eight regular circulation coins with the date of minting of the current year, also including a small medal on each of them.

The maximum issue volume for both is 6,000 units, and the sale price of each in Slovakia is 27.50 euros.

30th Anniversary of the National Bank of Slovakia

 The National Bank of Slovakia (Národná banka Slovenska, NBS), with its headquarters located in Bratislava since 2002, is in charge of ensuring price stability, representing the country in international financial institutions and money market transactions concerning the interpretation of monetary policy.

The highest governance within the Bank is carried out through the Board of Directors, in charge of formulating monetary policy and applying the necessary instruments and rules in monetary measures. It consists of the governor, two deputy governors and eight members appointed by the government of Slovakia.

30th Anniversary of the establishment of the Slovak Republic

Due to the fall of the Eastern bloc in 1989, which signaled the end of Czechoslovakia as such, two successor states were created: Slovakia and the Czech Republic, which, on January 1, 1993, became independent from each other. Thus, the Slovak Republic was created, a parliamentary democratic republic with a multiparty system, whose head of state since 2019 is Zuzana Čaputová, elected for a period of 5 years by popular vote.
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