miercuri, 4 ianuarie 2023

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Marea Britanie - 04.01.2023

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The United Kingdom usually announces the new commemorative coins during these dates, the majority of which are in circulation, which will be issued in the year that has just begun. In the first place, they are all issued in a portfolio and later they will be issued individually.

There are five new coins that have just been presented and that I will announce individually, both here and on the Amigos de Numismatica Visual blog.

Today we meet a 2-pound commemorative circulation coin dedicated to John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, popularly known as JRR Tolkien, who marks the 50th anniversary of his death.

Before writing wildly popular works of fiction like The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings , Tolkien's command of languages ​​served him well in his philology career, the study of languages. Although he was highly respected as an academic and scholar, first at the University of Leeds and later as a professor at Oxford University, the publication of The Hobbit in 1937 set Tolkien on the path to worldwide recognition. Since its publication, this fantasy classic has been a fixture on children's reading lists, and was followed in 1954-1955 by the immensely popular The Lord of the Rings, considered a model for modern fiction and fantasy.

Although the fantastical world of Middle-earth and its rich mythology made Tolkien's talents as a writer and storyteller known to a global audience, years before he had lived through the brutal reality of World War I. Serving as a second lieutenant in the Lancashire Fusiliers, he saw active service on the Western Front, enduring four months of trench warfare as part of the Battle of the Somme.

Tolkien passed away in 1973, yet 50 years later the father of modern fantasy fiction still has a palpable influence on the genre. His signature monogram, surrounded by a runic pattern cleverly created by the coin's designer, David Lawrence, will forever grace this £2 commemorative coin. 'Not all who wander are lost', a quote from the poem 'The Riddle of Strider', which appears in Tolkien's The Fellowship of the Ring, serves as the inscription on the edge of the coin.

On the outer ring are the legends: 'JRR Tolkien 1892-1973', along with 'Writer, Poet, Scholar' (Writer, Poet, Scholar).

Like all the coins with a mint date of 2023, it presents the official portrait of King Carlos III designed by Martin Jennings.

Coin Features

Country United Kingdom
face value 2 pounds
Metal Inside. Cupronickel / Ring. nickel-brass
Diameter 28.4mm
Weight 12g
Design Martin Jenning (front) David Lawrence (back)
Date of issue January 2023
Emission volume Unannounced

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