joi, 9 iunie 2022

Noi monede comemorative din Ucraina - 09.06.2022

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I know that there are collectors who would like this blog not to inform about Russia's coin issues, without going any further, the other day a fellow collector asked here, in the comments about one of the last coins that Russia has issued , so be it, because of everything that is happening in Ukraine. For my part, I think that the information must be provided and then each one decides whether or not they collect these coins at a particular level. That's what I replied to him.

Later came a comment from a Russian collector who also spreads information about new coin issues. He commented that he does disclose information about new Ukrainian coins and although it is difficult to do so, I suppose that many of those who read it do not think it is good, he continues to do so. In addition, he has just sent me information on some of the coins that Ukraine will issue in the near future and that he has already published for his readers, mostly Russians.

I find the content of this email very interesting, and with your permission, I am going to translate it and leave it below.

Hello, I want to thank you for posting news from Russia. I myself am from Russia and I maintain a small blog about numismatics and despite all the criticism against me, I publish all news about numismatics, including news from Ukraine.

I want to share some Ukrainian coins that will be issued this year:

Ukraine Flora and Fauna Series – Chernobyl Revival – Brown Bear

Shrines of Ukraine – Vladimir Cathedral

Outstanding personalities of Ukraine – Elizaveta Yaroslavna

The main thing is that they know that not everyone supports this horror that my country is causing.


From here, I want to express my support for Atronin, and encourage him to continue in his numismatic dissemination task. The situation we are experiencing will end up passing, and history will leave in his place the only one to blame for all this, also within Russia.

I still think that this sensitive issue should not influence when it comes to informing you about new Russian issues, then each one freely decides whether to collect them or not.

I take this opportunity to show all my solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Also tell you that I am in contact with the Bank of Ukraine in order to collaborate in the dissemination of its new numismatic program. If there are no setbacks, a coin belonging to a new series called "Ukrainian Armed Forces" will be issued this month.
Sursa informațiilor aici.

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