joi, 13 ianuarie 2022

Despre moneda comună care va fi emisă în Uniunea Europeană - 13.01.2022

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It has just been published in the Official Journal of the European Union all the data referring to the issuance this year of a common type 2 euro commemorative coin. Thanks to this document, we already know that in the end there will be 19 States that will participate in this initiative and the emission volumes of each country will put this piece into circulation, which aims to highlight the 35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program.

To celebrate 35 years of the Erasmus programme, euro area finance ministers decided that euro area member states would mint a 2 euro commemorative coin using a common design on the national side. The public chose the winning design in an online vote . Voters had a choice of six designs, which had been selected by a professional jury following a design competition among the Member States of the euro area, and chose the design created by Joaquin Jimenez, a professional designer at the Monnaie de Paris.

The countries that will participate in this initiative will be the following: Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia and Finland.

The design of the coin is a mix of two main elements of the Erasmus program: the original intellectual inspiration, Erasmus himself, and the allegory of his influence in Europe. The first is symbolized by one of the best-known representations of Erasmus. The second is symbolized by a bundle of links running through the coin from one lighthouse to another, representing the numerous intellectual and human exchanges between European students.

As a reference to Europe, some of these links form other stars, born from the synergy between the countries. Figure 35, for the 35th anniversary, rises from the stars in a contemporary graphic style.

Countries that issue the common commemorative 2 euro coin 2022


As you have seen, the runs are also included, in general they are wide, but we have the exception of Malta, with only 82,500 coins it will be the most valued coin in the collection.

The currency will be issued in unison by all countries on July 1, 2022.

In 2022 we will not only have the common commemorative, each country can issue two more coins of this type, which according to the European Commission "must be dedicated to elements of great symbolism at the national or European level."

2 euro commemorative coins 2022


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