luni, 6 decembrie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Vatican - 06.12.2021

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The Vatican Philatelic and the Vatican Zecca dello Stato announce for today December 6 the issuance of the popularly known as Busta, a philatelic-numismatic envelope, which contains the commemorative 2-euro coin and the stamp with a special stamp dedicated to the «VII Centenary of the death of Dante Alighieri ». An exclusive philatelic card with the reproduction of the stamp is inserted in the envelope; the emblem of the Office made in full low relief, enriches this prestigious and precious product. 

The artist, Patrizio Daniele, has reproduced Dante's face on the coin next to one of the most famous monuments of Florence in the world: the Palazzo Vecchio. Dante was born in Florence in 1265 and died in Ravenna in 1321, far from his beloved city. In exile he composed his greatest work, the Divine Comedy, thanks to which Dante is considered a universal author. 

The coin represents a portrait of Dante and the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence. At the top right, in a semicircle, appears the name of the issuing country "CITTÀ DEL VATICANO". At the bottom is the inscription "Dante" and below the years "1321-2021" and the name of the artist "P. DANIELE ». The twelve stars of the European flag appear on the circular crown of the coin.


Dimensions: 175 x 125 mm
Type of printing: offset
Maximum print run: 3,000 numbered copies

Face value: € 1.15
Format: 40.6 x 29.8 mm
Printing: Cartor (France)

Face value: 2 Euro
Version: Cuño Flower
Sculptor: Patrizio Daniele
Engraver: Annalisa Masini
Mintage: IPZS (Italy)
Price of the set: € 46

Subscribers will start receiving order forms in a few days. Comment, for those who do not know, that to be able to buy in the Vatican you must be a subscriber. They have a waiting list, but you can write to them regularly until you get it to the following email:

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