marți, 21 decembrie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Franța - 21.12.2021

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La Monnaie de Paris has unveiled, if I'm not mistaken, accidentally, the design that will present the third commemorative 2-euro coin that will be issued in 2022, which will be issued under the theme "20 Years since the introduction of the euro in cash" and which will also serve as a tribute to Jacques Chirac, President of the French Republic from 1995 to 2007, which will mark the 90th anniversary of his birth in 2022.

The reason why the image of Jacques Chirac appears on the coin is that he was the president of France when the farewell to the franc took place and the physical introduction of the single European currency on January 1, 2002, with this they have managed to unite two commemorations in the same coin.

When you have four motifs, for three coins, something like what happens to France with its 2022 commemorative 2 euro coins can happen, one of its coins has to celebrate two motives. Everything would be solved if the European Commission allowed France to issue four commemorative 2-euro coins in the same year, this is what the Monnaie de Paris will think, something that is not possible today, "only" two coins of national type and a common one, which is just what is planned in 2022.

Although from here I encourage the French Mint to cry a little to the European Commission to grant it that privilege, they already have one, such as issuing commemorative 2-euro coins not intended for circulation, as they do. microstates. It is very nice, on a numismatic level, to compare yourself with large countries when you are interested and, when not, to act as a microstate.

Thus, France will issue three commemorative 2-euro coins in 2022. One will be the common commemoration for the «35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program», the other is the second in the series of four «Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games» and the other, the one that I have shown you today, which may finally remain with named after «20 Years of the introduction of the euro in cash - Jacques Chirac».

As for broadcast dates and volumes, nothing is known, except for the common commemorative that will be issued jointly by all countries on July 1, 2022.

Thanks to colleague Paul (Euromunter) for his collaboration.

2 euro commemorative coins from France

2 euro commemorative coins 2022


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