marți, 30 noiembrie 2021

Teazaurul medieval de la Mavrodin


Muzeul Judeţean Teleorman, instituţie de cultură aflată sub autoritatea Consiliului Judeţean Teleorman, vă invită începând de miercuri, 1 decembrie a.c., să vizitaţi un nou exponat în cadrul ciclului expoziţional „Exponatului Lunii”.
Pentru luna decembrie a.c., Muzeul Judeţean Teleorman propune publicului vizitator un tezaur medieval din obiecte de argint provenit de la Mavrodin, jud. Teleorman.
Tezaurul a fost descoperit de către Paraschiv I. Noica pe moşia pe care o deţinea la Mavrodin, cu ocazia efectuării unor arături în anul 1887. A fost păstrat în familie şi transmis de la o generaţie la alta ajungând în cele din urmă la dna Sanda Stavrescu. Aceasta la donat Muzeului Judeţean Teleorman în anul 2004. Paraschiv Noica a fost fiul lui Iacovache Noica, unul din fondatorii familiei Noica. Agricultor dar şi om politic în perioada interbelică, Paraschiv Noica rămâne ca unul din cei mai reprezentativi fruntaşi ai familiei şi ai judeţului Teleorman.
Tezaurul de argint de la Mavrodin, aşa cum se prezintă astăzi cu numai trei obiecte – un bol, o placă de centură şi un pandantiv, cântărește aproape 264 g. Pe baza unor analogii formale tezaurul este este databil într-un interval de aproape un secol şi jumătate, mai probabil între cea de-a doua jumătate a sec. al XIV-lea şi sfârşitul sec. al XV-lea. În tradiţia familiei Noica s-a păstrat informaţia potrivit căreia că în vasul de argint erau depozitate şi alte piese de podoabă, dintre care două inele şi câteva ace de văl au dispărut în timp.
Cercetările arheologice efectuate pe traseul „Variantei ocolitoare a municipiului Alexandria” în anii 2011-2012 au furnizat, pentru zona Buzescu - Mavrodin o serie de descoperiri ce indică şi o locuire medievală din perioada secolelor XIV - XVI dar şi a unui cimitir din sec. XVI - XVII. Pe raza comunei Mavrodin au fost identificate alte patru puncte cu materiale arheologice atribuite epocii medievale şi datate, în linii mari, în sec. XVI - XVIII, ce pot fi puse pe seama existenţei unor sate dispărute.
Tezaurul de la Mavrodin, cel mai mic prin componenţa sa, se alătură altor tezaure medievale cu podoabe sau mixte (cu monede şi cu podoabe), descoperite în judeţul Teleorman la Beciu, Brânceni, Guruieni, Olteni, Orbeasca de Jos.


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul Judeţean Teleorman.

Apariție editorială: Roman lead-glazed ceramics from the collection of the National Museum of the Unification Alba Iulia - PDF


Așa cum am promis, volumul care valorifică ceramica romană cu glazură plombiferă descoperită la Apulum și Ampelum din colecția Muzeului Național al Unirii Alba Iulia este acum accesibil online:
download link:
„Roman Lead-Glazed Ceramics...” a fost publicat în cadrul proiectului GLAZEX, finanțat UEFISCDI și implementat de Institutul de Cercetări pentru Instrumentație Analtică Cluj-Napoca în parteneriat cu Muzeul Național al Unirii Alba Iulia.

Apariție editorială: Roman lead-glazed ceramics from the collection of the National Museum of the Unification Alba Iulia - PDF


Sursa informațiilor Arheologie MNU Alba Iulia.

O nouă monedă comemorativă britanică din Teritoriul Britanic din Oceanul Indian - 30.11.2021

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#BIOT #BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY 2021: 2£ "The Falcon of the Plantagenets" 10th of "The Queen's Beasts" ten coin series
2,750 bimetallic coins


Sursa informațiilor aici.

Noi monede comemorative din Rusia - 30.11.2021

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We have a new series of Russian coins of those that are accessible to everyone, they will be easy and cheap to get, another thing is that the theme fits the tastes of the collector. These are 10-ruble coins of the circulating type with which it is intended to honor the so-called "Cities of labor value", an honorary title granted to cities that played a prominent role in the production of products for the military and civilians during World War II (known in most of the former republics of the Soviet Union as the Great Patriotic War). This distinction was created in 2020 on the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.

At present there are already 32 cities that have this distinction, although with the passing of the dates it is expected that there will be some more, with which we will have with total security a collection of about 40 coins that will be issued for several years.

The first four coins in the collection were issued on November 18 and are dedicated to the cities of: Borovichi, Yekaterinburg, Ivanovo and Omsk.


During the Great Patriotic War, the extremely hard work of the inhabitants of Borovichi made an appreciable contribution to the Victory. Hundreds of local residents cared for wounded soldiers who were patients at the dozens of military hospitals located there. The city hosted orphanages and cultural institutions evacuated from other parts of the country.

At the industrial level they made an effort to satisfy the needs of the front. They manufactured a wide range of products: mortars, mines, projectiles, equipment for field bakeries, etc.

The coin shows in the foreground, a relief image of the commemorative hospital city symbol, and in the background, an arched bridge over the Msta river; Along the edge the inscriptions: 'БОРОВИЧИ' (BOROVICHI) at the top and 'ГОРОДА ТРУДОВОЙ ДОБЛЕСТИ' (CITIES OF WORK VALUE) in the band at the bottom.


During the war years, Yekaterinburg became the main center of the defense industry of the Soviet Union. Local factories produced T-34 and T-60 tanks, self-propelled artillery weapons, armored hulls for various military vehicles, tank engines, turrets for the Klim Voroshilov heavy tank, anti-aircraft mounts and anti-tank guns, and the Katyusha rocket launchers. Light industrial factories supplied the Red Army with uniforms for soldiers, footwear and food. For their selfless and hard work during the war years, orders and medals were awarded to 12,900 city residents, and government awards were awarded to 26 companies. 

A relief image of a fragment of the Monument to the soldiers of the Voluntary Tank Corps of the Urals; The design is completed by the inscriptions: 'ЕКАТЕРИНБУРГ' (EKATERINBURG) at the top and 'ГОРОДА ТРУДОВОЙ ДОБЛЕСТИ' (CITIES OF WORK VALUE) at the bottom.


During the Great Patriotic War, Ivanovo became the main national textile center. During the war years, workers in the Ivanovo textile industry made about 90% of the country's total textile output. Factories in Ivanovo produced cotton, bandage fabrics and fabrics for military uniforms. Virtually all service shirts for soldiers were sewn from Ivanovo fabrics. Clothing manufacturers produced large quantities of military uniforms and underwear, as well as camouflage suits.

Textile workers ensured the takeoff of thousands of aircraft by producing canvas fabrics used to cover their wings, provided entire armies with raincoats and clothing, while Ivanovo textile manufacturers made a sufficient number of parachutes for airborne troops. . Workers at the Ivanov Melanzh Factory produced about 100 million meters of fabric for the front, which was enough to dress more than 12 million Red Army soldiers. 

The coin shows an image in relief of a fragment of the monument to the heroes of the front and the rear in honor of the feats of combat and work carried out by those born in Ivanovo during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945; The design is completed by the inscriptions: 'ИВАНОВО' (IVANOVO) at the top and 'ГОРОДА ТРУДОВОЙ ДОБЛЕСТИ' (CITIES OF WORK VALUE) at the bottom.


The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was a severe test for the citizens of Omsk. The population faced the tough challenge of hosting some 200 evacuated industrial companies, 60 hospitals, dozens of educational institutions, theaters, museums and hundreds of thousands of refugees. It was necessary to provide people with accommodation, food, firewood and local relocated businesses, building materials and electricity. The buildings of medical and educational institutions were used by industrial enterprises and housed military hospitals.

The patriotic rise of the Omsk inhabitants was manifested in the increased efficiency of the workforce in factories and plants, and in the excessive compliance with industrial programs. One of the typical slogans of the time read: "Every worker in the rear helps the Red Army." People worked in extreme and almost unbearable conditions. As there were no prepared industrial buildings, the machinery was placed in the open air. Despite the severe Siberian frosts, people made military products by working on the machines day and night. They dominated various trades to replace those who had gone to the fore.

The coin features a relief image of a fragment of the Omsk War Workers' Monument; The design is completed by the inscriptions: 'ОМСК' (OMSK) at the top and 'ГОРОДА ТРУДОВОЙ ДОБЛЕСТИ' (CITIES OF WORK VALUE) at the bottom.

The side common to all the 10-ruble coins in this series represent: at the top "BANK OF RUSSIA" at the bottom the year of issue "2021", at the left and right branches of laurel and oak, respectively. In the center are the number "10" and the inscription "ruble" indicating the face value of the coin. Inside the figure "0" in a latent image you can see the figure "10" and the inscription "rub". The mint mark is shown at the bottom.

Coin characteristics

Metal: Brass-plated steel
Diameter: 22 mm
Thickness: 2.20 mm
Weight: 5.63 g
Emission volume: 1,000,000 of each
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luni, 29 noiembrie 2021

O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Macao - 29.11.2021

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Macau (Bank of China) new 20-pataca commemorative note (B236a) reported

This 20-pataca note commemorates the XXIV Olympic Winter Games to be held from 4 to 20 February 2022 in Beijing. Macau residents are allowed to purchase two notes each at face value.

B236 (PNL): 20 patacas (US$2.50)

Purple, yellow, and red. Front: Chinese and Portuguese text; Banco da China headquarters building in Macau; BOC logo; snowflake; Beijing 2022 logo; lotus flower in green SPARK. Back (vertical): Chinese and Portuguese text; two short track speed skaters; National Speed Skating Oval; ruins of Saint Paul’s Cathedral. Galaxy windowed security thread with Saturn effect and demetalized 20 and lotus flowers. Watermark: Snowflake and electrotype 20. Printer: (Hong Kong Note Printing Limited). 143 x 71.5 mm. Paper.

a. 26 DE ABRIL DE 2021. Sig. unknown. Intro: Unknown. Unconfirmed.

Courtesy of Jason T. Rohn and 钞票百科 (Chaopiaobaike).

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O nouă monedă comemorativă din Slovacia - 29.11.2021

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On Friday, November 26, one of the last remaining commemorative 2 euro coins was issued to complete those scheduled for 2021. It is a piece from Slovakia, dedicated to celebrating the «Centenary of the Birth of Alexander Dubček». Alexander Dubček was a prominent Slovak politician whose attempt to introduce liberal reforms in Czechoslovakia in 1968 became known as the Prague Spring.

The name of the issuing country "SLOVENSKO" is inscribed in the left semicircle inside the coin. Above the lower part of the portrait is the name "Alexander Dubček", with the first name above the surname, and below the dates of his birth "1921" and of his death "1992", one above the other. In the right semicircle is the year of issue "2021", and below the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters "MK" placed between two dies. Along the lower right edge are the stylized initials 'BR', referring to the coin's designer, Branislav Ronai. The twelve stars of the European Union appear on the outer ring of the coin.

The total issue volume for this coin is 1 million pieces, the majority, those destined for circulation, come in rolls of 25 coins, then we have 5,000 in coincard, 3,000 in a euroset together with the rest of the circulation coins of the year in course and 4,200 units in the Proof version, which as announced by the Bank of Slovakia (Národná banka Slovenska), will not go on sale, they will only be used for the purposes of representing the Bank itself.

Coincard with BU quality currency (5,000 units)


Euroset 2021 dedicated to the same theme as the commemorative coin (3,000 units)


Proof quality coin in 2 presentations (4,200 units in total)

Presentation of individual currency.

Along with another, 10 euros in silver, issued at the same time and dedicated to the same character.

Although this version of the coin does not go on sale in principle, it later ends up appearing on auction pages, as it already happened last year.
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O nouă revistă numismatică din Belgia - 29.11.2021 - PDF

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Today I am going to leave you the magazine published by the Monnaie Royal de Belgique, three or four times a year, in which it shows us the latest issues put on sale by the Belgian Mint, and some that will be soon.

Above you see the cover of number 85 of the Monnaie Info magazine dated October 2021. I leave you with the version that can be read in French, I think that even if you do not master the language you will understand it without problems.

Link to magazine PDF


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Emisiune numismatică: Replică pe suport de polimer după prima bancnotă de 20 lei emisă de BNR în anul 1881

Bancnotă aniversară pentru colecționare
Replică pe suport de polimer după prima bancnotă de 20 lei emisă de BNR în anul 1881

dimensiuni: 168 x 96 mm, cu o toleranță de ± 1 mm;
culoare predominantă: albastru cobalt;
imprimată în tehnică plană, pe suport de polimer.

Pe aversul replicii se regăsesc următoarele elemente grafice reprezentative: două ferestre transparente, într-una figurând valoarea nominală a replicii „20” în stânga și în cealaltă figurând portretul împăratului Traian, laureat, orientat spre stânga. Sub cele două ferestre transparente sunt două altare cu baza înaltă, iar pe corpul altarelor se regăsește un cartuș rectangular cu inscripția „ROMANIA”. În centru, se află un cartuș curbat cu inscripția „BANCA NATIONALE A ROMANIEI”, sub care sunt înscrise: numărul de serie, data emisiunii „19 Ianuariu 1881”, valoarea nominală „DOUE DIECI LEI” și semnăturile guvernatorului, directorului și casierului central.

Tot pe avers sunt imprimate: un cartuș în care este înscrisă valoarea nominală „20”, de care se sprijină, în stânga, un tânăr reprezentând personificarea industriei, iar, în dreapta, un alt tânăr reprezentând personificarea comerțului, numărul de control și anul lansării în circuitul numismatic „2021”, tipărite cu cerneală de culoare neagră și caractere de aceeași înălțime.

Pe reversul replicii compoziția grafică include elemente decorative. În centru, se regăsește un medalion cu portretul împăratului Traian, laureat; circular, este înscris textul penalităților și, în partea inferioară, valoarea nominală a bancnotei „DOUE DIECI LEI”.

Deasupra medalionului este valoarea nominală a bancnotei „DOUE DIECI LEI”, iar dedesubt, un cartuș rectangular cu inscripția „ROMANIA”. În dreapta și în stânga medalionului central sunt două medalioane cu rama decorată, ce conțin ferestrele transparente. Sub fiecare dintre medalioanele laterale se află câte un cartuș în care este înscrisă valoarea nominală „20”.

În scopul protejării împotriva falsificării, replica pe suport de polimer după prima bancnotă de 20 lei emisă de Banca Naţională a României în anul 1881, include următoarele elemente de siguranță:
două ferestre transparente complexe, astfel: în stânga aversului o fereastră în care figurează valoarea nominală a replicii „20", iar în dreapta aversului o fereastră în care figurează efigia împăratului Traian, laureat, orientat spre stânga;
valoarea nominală a replicii „20" din fereastra transparentă din stânga aversului și portretul împăratului din fereastra transparentă din dreapta aversului realizate în tehnică multiton cu luminiscență în două culori, sepia și verde, vizibile numai în lumină UV;
anii „1881-2021" imprimați în centru, pe avers, cu luminiscență albă, vizibilă numai în lumină UV;
sigla BNR de sub ferestrele transparente, pe avers, imprimată cu luminiscență roșie, vizibilă numai în lumină UV;
numărul de serie format din 8 cifre, imprimate central, pe avers, sub denumirea băncii centrale, cu cerneală de culoare neagră, cu luminiscență verde, vizibilă numai în lumină UV;
numărul de control format din 4 cifre, imprimate cu cerneală de culoare neagră, poziționat în colțurile din stânga sus și dreapta jos, identice ca secvență, cu luminiscență verde, vizibilă numai în lumină UV.

Replica pe suport de polimer după prima bancnotă de 20 lei emisă de Banca Națională a României în anul 1881 va fi inclusă într-un pliant de prezentare redactat în limbile română, engleză şi franceză.

Tirajul pentru această emisiune numismatică este de 30.000 bancnote.

Lansarea în circuitul numismatic a replicii pe suport de polimer după prima bancnotă de 20 lei emisă de Banca Națională a României în anul 1881 se realizează prin sucursalele regionale Bucureşti, Cluj, Constanța, Dolj, Iaşi şi Timiş ale Băncii Naţionale a României.


Sursa informațiilor BNR.

Informații siplimentare aici.

BNM pune în circulație noi monede jubiliare și comemorative - VIDEO


Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Banca Nationala a Moldovei

Începând cu 29 noiembrie 2021, Banca Națională a Moldovei pune în circulație patru monede jubiliare și comemorative ca mijloc de plată și în scop numismatic.

Seria „Aleea Clasicilor din Grădina Publică „Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt” din mun. Chișinău” este îmbogățită cu o monedă comemorativă dedicată împlinirii a 200 de ani de la nașterea lui Vasile Alecsandri – poet, dramaturg, folclorist, om politic, diplomat, membru fondator al Academiei Române, creator al teatrului românesc și al literaturii dramatice în România, personalitate marcantă a Moldovei și a României de-a lungul întregului secol al XIX-lea. Moneda este confecționată din aur, are valoarea nominală de 100 lei și un tiraj de 150 unități.

O altă monedă comemorativă din argint, cu valoarea nominală de 50 lei, care va completa seria de monede „Personalități”, este consacrată aniversării a 150-a de la nașterea lui Nicolae Iorga – istoric, critic literar, documentarist, dramaturg, poet, enciclopedist, om politic. Moneda este emisă într-un tiraj de 250 unități.

Seria „Știință și inovare” este suplimentată cu o nouă monedă jubiliară din argint dedicată împlinirii a 100 de ani de la nașterea lui Eugen Coșeriu - lingvist român de notorietate universală, filosof al limbajului, scriitor, poet, critic de artă, profesor universitar, membru de onoare al Academiei Române, unul dintre cei mai importanți lingviști ai secolului XX. Moneda are valoarea nominală de 50 lei și este bătută într-un tiraj de 200 unități.

Concomitent, seria „Cartea Roșie a Republicii Moldova” este completată cu o monedă din argint, cu valoarea nominală de 50 lei, care reprezintă „Popâlnicul nobil (Hepatica nobilis Mill)” - o specie de plantă ocrotită prin lege și inclusă în Cartea Roșie a Republicii Moldova. Moneda are un tiraj de 300 unități.

Monedele jubiliare și comemorative, ambalate în capsule de metacrilat transparent și cutii de prezentare, sunt însoțite de certificate de autenticitate, redactate în limbile română și engleză, semnate de guvernatorul Băncii Naționale a Moldovei.

Monedele jubiliare și comemorative, emise de Banca Națională, se comercializează prin intermediul băncilor licențiate din Republica Moldova.

Sursa informațiilor BNM.

duminică, 28 noiembrie 2021

Noi bancnote comemorative din Ucraina - 28.11.2021

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Ukraine new 20-hryvnia commemorative note (B860a) confirmed

Like B854, but with 30th anniversary logo in OVI.

Courtesy of Igor Tereshkov.

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Ukraine new 200-hryvnia commemorative note (B863a) confirmed

Like B857, but with 30th anniversary logo in OVI.

Courtesy of Igor Tereshkov.

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O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Hong Kong - 28.11.2021

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Hong Kong (Bank of China) new 20-dollar Olympic numismatic product (BNP906a) reported

This 20-dollar note commemorates the XXIV Olympic Winter Games to be held from 4 to 20 February 2022 in Beijing. The design was inspired from a famous line found in a classic moon-themed Chinese poem, “From Far Away You Share This Moment With Me.” Although legal tender, the notes aren’t intended for circulation. 2,000,000 notes were offered as numismatic products packaged in a folder for HK$138 each; sets of four uncut notes in a folder for HK$338 each; and uncut sheets of 35 notes for HK$1,388 each. Profits from the sale of the notes were donated to charitable organizations in Hong Kong.

BNP906 (PNL): 20 dollars (US$2.55)

Blue. Front: Chinese and English text; Bank of China Tower in Central district, Hong Kong; BOC logo; snowflake; Beijing 2022 logo; denomination as registration device; Bauhinia flower and 20 in green SPARK Orbital. Back (vertical): Chinese and English text; fireworks exploding over moonlit Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbor skyline; downhill skier; speed skater; mountains and Great Wall of China. Galaxy windowed security thread with Saturn effect and demetalized 20 and Bauhinia flowers. Watermark: Snowflake and electrotype 20. Printer: (Hong Kong Note Printing Limited). 143 x 71.5 mm. Paper.

a. 1 JANUARY 2022. Sig. unknown. Intro: Unknown. Unconfirmed.

Courtesy of


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O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Azerbaidjan - 28.11.2021

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Azerbaijan new 500-manat commemorative note confirmed

According to a press release dated 4 November 2021, this 500-manat note commemorates the first anniversary of “the historic Victory of the Azerbaijani Army in the 44-day Patriotic War of 2020 under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces,” and President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev.

B415 (PNL): 500 manat (US$290)
Brown, red, and green. Front: Azeri text; red tulips; Kharibulbul (Ophrys caucasica) flower; Azerbaijani soldiers holding flag; Ilham Aliyev’s rallying cry, QARABAĞ AZƏRBAYCANDIR (Karabakh is Azerbaijan!); 8 NOYABR 2020 anniversary logo in gold-to-green SPARK Live; Khudafar stone bridge. Back (vertical): Azeri text; Askeran fortress; mausoleum of poet, Molla Panah Vagif (The Learned One) in Shusha; map of Azerbaijan. Gold-to-green windowed security thread with demetalized AMB 500. Watermark: Coat of arms and electrotype 500. Printer: (Giesecke & Devrient). 165 x 70 mm. Paper.

a. 2021. No sig. Prefix A. 1,000,000 notes. Intro: 04.11.2021.

Courtesy of Mikhail Plakhov, Mehdi Kasumov, Jason T. Rohn, Ivan Bogdanov (, Chingiz Heziyev (COLLECTORS TV), and Christof Zellweger.

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O nouă monedă comemorativă din Finlanda - 28.11.2021

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To date, we knew of two 2 euro commemorative coins from Finland for 2022, the common commemorative one for the “35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program”, and the one dedicated to celebrating the “100 Years of the Finnish National Ballet. Today we unveil the reason for the third coin of this type to be issued next year and which will be issued under the name "Climate Research in Finland".

Both this coin and the other two will have the same issue volume, 400,000 units. The Ballet will be the first to be broadcast, spring 2022, the common commemorative will be jointly by all countries on July 1 and the last will be the one announced today, during the autumn of next year.

Although the design of the coin has not been revealed, we know that a 20 euro dedicated to the same theme will be issued. Based on similar cases of coins issued by Finland, I can almost assure that the design will be one of those represented in the 20 euro coin, what I do not know is which of the two represented motifs they will opt for.

It is estimated that climate change is and will be one of the greatest threats to the health of the planet during the current century. Due to climate change, temperatures in Finland will rise, rainfall will increase, the snow season will be shorter and the amount of frost will decrease. The level of the Baltic Sea will also rise and the ice sheet will shrink in winter. Projections indicate that Finland's climate will change more in winter than in summer. It is for all this the need to change our habits and invest in research to try to reverse, or at least stop, the serious situation that threatens the planet and of course Finland.

Stopping climate change requires research and an understanding of what is happening on the earth's surface, in the atmosphere, and throughout our planet's ecosystem. The University of Helsinki is at the forefront of climate research. Under the leadership of academic Markku Kulmala, the Center of Excellence in Atmospheric Sciences has been able to discover new factors that affect the climate.

Thanks to Paul (Euromunter) for the information.

2 euro commemorative coin 2022

2 euro commemorative coins from Finland


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O nouă monedă comemorativă din Ucraina - 28.11.2021

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The Bank of Ukraine has issued a coin under the name "Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" with which it continues to recognize its Armed Forces. The coin features a 10 hryvnia face and is struck on a nickel-plated zinc-based alloy.

The Ukraine Air Assault Troops are a branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This airborne unit is considered an elite force within the armed forces of Ukraine. Their main characteristic is their immediate deployment capacity, in just a few hours they can attend to an emergency situation, using planes or helicopters to transport troops and weapons.

The Ukrainian Air Assault Troops were created in 1992 from units of the Soviet Airborne Troops established on Ukrainian territory after the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 25, 1991.

On the obverse of the coin, the name of the issuing country “УКРАЇНА” is displayed at the top, below which appears the shield of Ukraine and the insignia that appears on the sleeve of the uniform of the assault troops of the Armed Forces; in the center, the emblem of the Armed Forces stormtroopers, on the left the face value "10" and the hryvnia symbol; on the right the year of issue “2021” and the mark of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine. The inscription, ARMY OF LAND ASSAULT, appears in the lower semicircle.

The reverse shows a symbolic image of a paratrooper in knight's armor with ajar wings, a symbol of the patron saint of the army, Archangel Michael.


Face value: 10 hryvnia
Metals: Nickel-plated zinc alloy
Diameter: 30 mm
Weight: 12.4 g
Emission volume: 1,000,000


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sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Lituania - 27.11.2021 - VIDEO

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The Bank of Lithuania has just issued new collector coins dedicated to the famous Lithuanian fairy tale "Eglė, the queen of snakes" from the new series called "Tales from my childhood". These collector coins are issued in two denominations: € 5 silver coin and € 1.50 cupro-nickel coin.

“Fairy tales are important in the cultural heritage of every nation, so to commemorate the most popular and fascinating Lithuanian fairy tales, we are launching a new series of coins 'Tales from my childhood'. The first coin in the series is dedicated to the legendary fairy tale "Eglė, the queen of snakes", which we all know very well. The series will also revive other stories, such as "Zuikis Puikis" or "The Liberator of the Sun", in the words of Asta Kuniyoshi, Vice President of the Board of the Bank of Lithuania.

The reverse of the coin represents the confrontation between Eaglé and the serpent, the main characters of the story, an impression that is amplified by Eglė's hair, which melts allegorically with the waves of the sea. The body of the snake is decorated with symbolic pictograms, which tell the story of this fairy tale, and includes the name of the tale "Eglė - žalčių karalienė" (Eglė - Queen of Serpents). The composition also features silhouettes of trees as an allusion to children who became trees.

The obverse of the coin represents a knitted fabric that symbolizes a cozy evening in which fairy tales are told. The little stars and the moon capture the atmosphere of a sunset even better: the first coin in the "Tales from my childhood" series begins with the new moon. The fabric represents the main elements of the fairy tale, and below it appears a symbolic silhouette of Vytis. At the top of the composition there is an embroidered inscription "Lietuva" (Lithuania). The point element, as well as the different lunar phases, unite all the coins in the series. The fabric will be enlarged with each coin in the series and, with all the collected coins, a complete image will be revealed.

The silver 5 euro facial coin is colored by UV printing, this is a unique digital printing method that uses ultraviolet light to dry the ink.

The edge of the silver coin bears the inscription "Jei tu gyvas, atplauk pieno puta, jei negyvas - kraujo puta" (If you are alive, let the sea foam with milk, if you are dead, let the sea foam with blood).

The cupro-nickel version is sold in Lithuanian banks for only 2 euros. While the colored silver one costs 60 euros.

Characteristics of the € 1.5 / € 5 coins

Alloy: copper-nickel / 925 silver

Weight: 11.10 g / 12.44 g

Diameter: 27.50 mm /28.70 mm

Quality: UNC / Proof

Mintage: 30,000 / 2,750

Designed by: Eglė Ratkutė-Žemaitė and Vilius Krasnickas

Selling price in Lithuania: € 2 / € 60


Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Lietuvos bankas

Eglė, the queen of snakes

After bathing with his two sisters, Egle, while going to get dressed, discovers a snake among his clothes. Without giving importance to his promise, he agrees to marry the snake in exchange for the return of the clothes…. Here you can read the full story.


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