duminică, 28 noiembrie 2021

O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Hong Kong - 28.11.2021

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Hong Kong (Bank of China) new 20-dollar Olympic numismatic product (BNP906a) reported

This 20-dollar note commemorates the XXIV Olympic Winter Games to be held from 4 to 20 February 2022 in Beijing. The design was inspired from a famous line found in a classic moon-themed Chinese poem, “From Far Away You Share This Moment With Me.” Although legal tender, the notes aren’t intended for circulation. 2,000,000 notes were offered as numismatic products packaged in a folder for HK$138 each; sets of four uncut notes in a folder for HK$338 each; and uncut sheets of 35 notes for HK$1,388 each. Profits from the sale of the notes were donated to charitable organizations in Hong Kong.

BNP906 (PNL): 20 dollars (US$2.55)

Blue. Front: Chinese and English text; Bank of China Tower in Central district, Hong Kong; BOC logo; snowflake; Beijing 2022 logo; denomination as registration device; Bauhinia flower and 20 in green SPARK Orbital. Back (vertical): Chinese and English text; fireworks exploding over moonlit Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbor skyline; downhill skier; speed skater; mountains and Great Wall of China. Galaxy windowed security thread with Saturn effect and demetalized 20 and Bauhinia flowers. Watermark: Snowflake and electrotype 20. Printer: (Hong Kong Note Printing Limited). 143 x 71.5 mm. Paper.

a. 1 JANUARY 2022. Sig. unknown. Intro: Unknown. Unconfirmed.

Courtesy of


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