duminică, 25 octombrie 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Spania - 25.10.2020

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One of the next coin issues that the Royal Mint-National Mint and Stamp Factory has prepared for us for the next month of November is a series of 20 pieces dedicated to commemorating the History of Aviation. In it, each of them will represent an airplane that, for one reason or another, has been relevant throughout the ages.

This series will follow the same line as the one issued between 2018 and 2019 under the name History of Navigation. The face value will be the same, 1.5 euros, they will be minted in a cupro-nickel alloy and the face on which each of the aircraft is presented will be in full color.

With the issuance of the first five coins, an album will be put on sale to store the entire collection, which will include the information on each one.

On the reverse, common to all the series, within a central circle that simulates the propeller of an airplane, appears the face value of the coin, 1.5 EURO, and the legend HISTORY DE LA AVIACIÓN. Outside the central circle, in the outer zone of the coin, a stylized composition of the engines of an airplane is shown.

The maximum number of pieces to be minted for each of the motifs will be 7,500 units, 2,500 less than in the previous series in the History of Navigation.

Coin characteristics

Facial: 1.5 euros Composition: Cupronickel Weight: 15 g Diameter: 33 mm Maximum emission volume: 7,500 of each Price: € 14 plus VAT

This has been a first preview of this new series, in the next few days I will be able to offer you the details of the first five coins that will feature the following aircraft: Bell X-1, Concorde, Wright Flyer, Northrop F-5 and HA - 200 Bolt.
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