duminică, 30 iunie 2019

Monedă Multiplum unică descoperită de un pasionat de detecție metale

O monedă romană de aur, unică în istoria arheologiei, a fost descoperită de un pasionat de detecție metale din districtul Stade din Saxonia Inferioară, Germania. Matthias Glüsing scana un câmp lângă Fredenbeck, când a găsit moneda. Câmpul este un cunoscut sit arheologic cu movilele preistorice de înmormântare, dar a fost și o zonă geografică importantă la nord-estul granițelor Imperiului Roman.

Moneda este o descoperire neașteptată, fiind un Multiplum al Împăratului Flavius Iulius Constans (cel mai tânăr fiu al lui Constantin I). Moneda a fost emisă în anii 342-343 la Siscia, în provincia romană Pannonia Savia. Monetăria de la Siscia (în zilele noastre, localitatea Sisak din Croația) a fost înființată de Gallienus în anul 262 d. Hr. și a rămas în folosință ca monetărie imperială până la sfârșitul domniei lui Gratian în anul 383. Monedele fabricate în aceasta monetărie pe parcursul secolului al IV-lea poartă marca SIS sau SISC.

Deși imaginile și inscripțiile de pe ambele fețe ale monedei sunt derivate din elemente de pe monede cu valoare ridicată, aflate în circulație la acea vreme, Multiplum descoperit nu a fost destinat achizițiilor. Acest tip de monede au fost special create pentru a comemora ascensiunea unui nou împărat, o mare victorie sau anii jubiliari. Au fost acordate unui grup foarte select din cei mai loiali susținători ai împăratului, în cadrul unei ceremonii speciale. Orificiile găsite în unele dintre aceste monede Multiplum indică faptul că au fost purtate ca pandantive de către proprietarii onorați. Foarte puține monede Multiplum au fost create și chiar mai puține au supraviețuit până în zilele noastre, însă nicio moneda cu acest model nu a mai fost descoperită înainte.

Având nouă grame, moneda are de două ori greutatea solidului. Descoperirea acesteia într-o stare bună poate fi o dovadă că a fost oferită unui comandant saxon de război care a furnizat un ajutor crucial împăratului roman. Ar fi așadar cea mai veche dovadă arheologică a unei elite militare în ceea ce este acum Saxonia Inferioară.

În ultimele luni, descoperirea senzațională a determinat o cercetare intensă a zonei: la fața locului s-a efectuat o excavare și s-au efectuat căutări cu detectoare de metale. În plus, arheologii au evaluat hărțile istorice și fotografiile aeriene.

Saxonia Inferioară impune ca toți detectoriștii de metale care doresc să caute artefacte în situri arheologice să solicite un permis, care se obține după ce urmează un curs gratuit. Ulterior, înainte de a începe detecția, aceștia trebuie să contacteze arheologul care supraveghează situl arheologic pe care intenționează să îl exploreze (atenție, nu încercați astfel de detecții în sit-uri arheologice din România, din cauză că este interzis și ilegal ca pasionații de detecție metale sa facă detecții în situri arheologice din România și nu se oferă autorizație pentru astfel de activități).

Acest sistem din Saxonia Inferioară garantează că pasionații de detecție metale au o bază informațională adecvată în ceea ce privește abordarea descoperirilor arheologice. De asemenea, sistemul construiește relații de foarte bună colaborare între detectoriștii amatori și arheologii profesioniști. Moneda a fost găsită în decembrie 2017, dar descoperirea a fost anunțată recent, de câteva zile, pentru a menține secret locul descoperirii pe perioada cercetărilor arheologice. Descoperitorul monedei a participat ulterior la săpăturile arheologice, scanând sit-ul arheologic mai pe larg, în timp ce arheologii au excavat locul descoperirii. 

Moneda a fost achiziționată de la descoperitor de către guvern și va fi expusă la Muzeul Stade Schwedenspeicher. Muzeul a deschis recent o nouă expoziție permanentă despre preistoria triunghiului Elbe-Weser și va trebui să refacă unele dintre informațiile sale în lumina acestei noi descoperiri.

Sursa informațiilor Harta Comorii.

Apariție editorială: Mircea Gheorghe Manole - Catalog numismatic. Monedele românești 1867-2019

Apariție editorială:  Mircea Gheorghe Manole - Catalog numismatic. Monedele românești 1867-2019

Catalogul este bilingv (romano-englez). Cuprinde descrierea, imaginile color și cotele în euro (în funcție de starea de uzură) a tuturor monedelor de circulație și comemorative din aceasta perioadă.
Are 608 pagini. Se poate procura de la societatea Euronumisfil Gold SRL, str. Covaci, nr 2 Sector 3 București .tel. 021/3158816.

Sursa informațiilor numismon.

Ia - de la veșmânt tradițional la brand național

Muzeul de Etnografie Brașov vă invită să descoperiți un simbol al culturii spirituale românești: Ia - de la veșmânt tradițional la brand național.
Expoziția este deschisă până în luna septembrie.
#MuzeuldeEtnografie #ie #costumtradițional#expoziție

Sursa informațiilor Muzeul de Etnografie Brașov.

joi, 27 iunie 2019

Giurgiu: expoziția ”Ceramica comunităților Vădastra și Boian. De la meșteșug la artă”

Muzeul Judetean ” Teohari Antonescu” Giurgiu si Muzeul Romanatiului Caracal prezinta, in perioada iunie- septembrie 2019, expozitia ”Ceramica comunitatilor Vadastra si Boian. De la mestesug la arta”.
Vernisajul expozitiei va avea loc joi, 27 iunie 2019, ora 11.00, la sediul Muzeului Judetean ” Teohari Antonescu” Giurgiu, str. C.D. Gherea, nr.3.
Alaturi de cele doua institutii partenere si-au adus contributia o serie de institutii prestigioase: Muzeul National de Istorie a Romaniei, Muzeul Olteniei, Craiova, Muzeul Judetean Olt, Slatina.
Expozitia prezinta manifestarile culturale apartinand comunitatilor Vadastra ( Valea Oltului) si Boian (sudul Munteniei). La formarea celor doua civilizatii au participat triburile Dudesti, care s-au raspandit pe teritoriului Munteniei si in regiunea de est a Olteniei, venind dinspre sud, din Anatolia.

Sursa inforațiilor Evenimente Muzeale.

Expoziția națională de filatelie: 125 de ani de la nașterea lui Hermann Oberth

Expoziția națională de filatelie cu participare internațională: 125 de ani de la nașterea lui Hermann Oberth si 90 de ani de la lansarea lucrării “căile navigației spațiale”
vernisaj: 25 iunie 2019, ora 13, holul Bibliotecii judeţene Astra Sibiu - corp B.

Sursa informațiilor numismon.

O nouă monedp de circulație din eSwatini (Swaziland) - 27.06.2019

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Eswatini (Swaziland) 10 cents 2018 - New country name
New circulating type after the change of the offical country's name:

(news by Egon Conti and Murtaza Karimjee)
(image from eBay seller liolikas99)

Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Portugalia - 27.06.2019

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Portugal 7,5 euro 2019 - Joaquim Agostinho
New silver commemorative:

"Idols of Sport: Joaquim Agostinho"

Composition: silver .500
Weight: 13.00 g
Diameter: 33.00 mm
Mintage: 40 000
Artist: Vitor Santos

LINK: Portugal Mint

Sursa informațiilor aici.

marți, 25 iunie 2019

Expoziție: Pacea de la Passarowitz (1718) și urmările sale

Expoziție: Pacea de la Passarowitz (1718) și urmările sale

Conferința de pace de la Passarowitz, desfășurată în urmă cu 300 de ani, s-a finalizat prin încheierea unui tratat care marchează începutul dezvoltării moderne a Banatului. Era momentul în care se puneau bazele moderne ale diplomației în această parte a Europe. Pe lângă pace, tratatul a vizat reglementări comerciale și de navigație care, în final, au fost mai durabile și au generat principalele direcții de evoluție în domeniu.
În acest context, Muzeul Național al Banatului (MnaB) aduce în premieră națională, la Timișoara, o expoziție dedicată Conferinței de pace de la Passarowitz, realizată de Muzeul Universal Joanneum din Graz (Austria), cu sprijinul Forumului Cultural Austriac.
Vernisajul e programat joi, 27 iunie, la ora 21,00 în Mansarda B2 a Bastionului Maria Theresia din Timișoara, după încheierea programului artistic ce va fi prezentat în curte. Expoziția va putea fi vizitată până în data de 31 iulie 2019.
Pacea de la Passarowitz, momentul primei integrări europene a Timișoarei și a Banatului va fi marcată de MNaB printr-un eveniment artistic și de reconstituire istorică, la inaugurarea expoziției tematice care ilustrează acest moment important din istorie. Evenimentul va avea loc în curtea Bastionului Maria Theresia, joi, 27 iunie, de la ora 20,00.
Prin aportul mai multor formații artistice, va fi rememorat momentul istoric. Participanți vor fi grupurile de păstrare a tradițiilor - Peregrinii (muzică istorică, interpretare, coregrafii, prezentare),Asociația Sportivă și de Păstrare a Tradițiilor Losonczy István (reconstituire istorică - partea otomană) și Asociația Eugeniu de Savoya(reconstituire istorică- partea austriacă), iar naratorul - Galis Sergiu, de la Radio Timișoara.
”Trimișii Sfântului Imperiu Roman de Națiune Germană, Damian Hugo, conte de Virmont, și ai Imperiului Otoman, Ibrahim Aga, cu suitele și gărzile lor personale, vor fi primiți la Bastion de mediatorul păcii, împuternicit din partea Marilor Puteri, Francesco, viconte de Colbier, sub corturi ridicate în acest scop. Cei doi plenipotențiari vor semna Pacea care consfințește trecerea Banatului și a Timișoarei, din nou, după 13 generații, sub stăpânirea unui principe creștin. Totodată, Pacea va fi semnată în numele serenissimului principe Carol al VI-lea, Împăratul Romanilor, și al puternicului stăpânitor Ahmed al III-lea Han, Sultan al Otomanilor. Salve de tun vor marca finalul ceremoniei oficiale și un spectacol va fi oferit de partea otomană în onoarea noilor prieteni. Numele de-acum trei secole al grupului muzical era Seyahatler. În limba de azi a ținutului, numele e Peregrinii, transmit reprezentanții MNaB.
#mnab #timisoara #peregrinii#paceadelapassarowitz

Sursa informațiilor MNaB.


Vernisaj expoziţie: "CĂMAŞA POPULARĂ ROMÂNEASCĂ - TRADIŢIE ŞI CONTINUITATE", vineri, 28 iunie 2019, ora 12.30, la Muzeul de Istorie "Paul Păltănea" Galaţi - Lapidarium, str. Mr. Iancu Fotea, nr. 2bis, lângă Biserica Greacă. Intrarea liberă!

Sursa informațiilor Muzeul de Istorie "Paul Păltănea" Galaţi.

Noi monede comemorative din Spania - 25.06.2019

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Today, June 24, 2019, the National Currency and Stamp Factory-Real Casa de la Moneda has put four new coins in the "History of Navigation" collection on sale, which will have a total of 20 pieces. The first four were issued in December 2018 and the remaining twelve are being issued throughout this 2019.

The Royal Mint decided to mint this series of coins dedicated to recall the "History of Navigation", which reproduces a selection of boats that, for one reason or another, have been relevant over time. 

In this new issue, which is the fourth and penultimate of the series, we find the Nao Victoria, the Birre de Guerra Romana, the Fragata Acorazada Numancia and the Spanish Galleon of the 17th century.

Nao Victoria

Period: 16th century
Length: 25 m Beam: 7.5 m
Propulsion: Sailing

The nao was a ship of high board, descendant of the rattle and was the most used by the Iberian nations in the oceanic voyages of the time of the discoveries. It had a size of 200 to 600 tons and the Spanish in particular had a double keel than the sleeve, while the length was triple. It rigged square sails and, although it did not fit the wind, it swung easily, it was great to bear the artillery and the load.

Traditionally it has been affirmed that the Victoria was built in Zarauz and that its name was due to the fact that it was in the Sevillian church of Santa María de la Victoria de Triana, where Magellan, Portuguese navigator in the service of Spain, swore to serve King Charles I. It displaced about 102 tons. It counted on three sticks: ratchet and major with cross rigging with topsails and mizzen with Latin sail. He had to build about 10 culverins and his crew was 45 men. It cost 300,000 maravedis.

Milestones: The nao Victoria is one of the most famous ships in the world for having been the protagonist of the first circumnavigation of the globe, one of the most important deeds of history. La Victoria was one of the five ships of the expedition of Magellan, who had convinced to Carlos I, that the islands of the spices were in the Spanish hemisphere (Treaty of Tordesillas), to which it was possible to be arrived sailing towards the west, looking for a passage through the New World. The other four boats were the Trinidad, San Antonio, Concepción and Santiago.

The armada left Seville on August 10, 1519 and on March 31, it arrived at the bay of San Julián (Patagonia) where it wintered. In those waters there was a rebellion against Magellan, which was put down; Santiago sank and San Antonio defected and returned to Spain.

After discovering the Strait, they crossed the immense ocean that they called Pacific. They reached the Marianas and then the Philippines, where Magallanes died in a revolt with the Indians in Mactan. La Concepcion was burned down due to the shortage of crew members and in the Moluccas Islands took charge of the command Elcano, who sailing through the Indian Ocean and skirting the Cape of Good Hope arrived at Sanlúcar, on board the Victoria, on September 6, 1522, with 18 men, of the 234 who had left three years ago, completing the first round the world.

After the circumnavigation, the Victory was sold for 106.274 maravedíes and after being repaired it sailed twice to Santo Domingo, being lost in the second tornaviaje to Spain.


On the obverse, in the central area, a detail of the work entitled "Nao Victoria", which is preserved in the Naval Museum of Madrid, is reproduced in colors. In the upper left, the legend NAO VICTORIA. In the lower part, the legend SPAIN and the year of minting 2019. 

Birreme de Guerra Romana

Epoch: Between the first century BC and XV AD
Length: Between 24.4 m and 25 m Beam: Between 5 and 5.5 m
Propulsion: Mixed rowing and sailing.
Armament: Catapults and the hand of the combatants that endowed it.

The bireme, like the trireme, the cuatrireme, the quinquereme are derivations of the galley, transformed into a warship by Ramses III, Egyptian pharaoh and by the Phoenicians around the year 800 BC. The use of war was decisive in its evolution, lengthening the hull and placing two levels of rowers, 12 in each level per band, which made a total of 48; calling themselves such bireremes.

In addition to rowing they were sailing, since they had a mast in the center of the boat with a square sail. Constructed with spruce, cypress and larch wood, the biremes were the first to have a spur forward, initially of wood and then metallic or lined with bronze. It also had a walkway or central corridor where the archers and fighters were located, protected by the bollards placed on both sides of the nave.

Thus a fast, agile ship was obtained, useful in defensive tasks of the coast and of effective attack, acquiring great importance in the Roman imperial stage.

Armed as it corresponded to a warship, the bireme presented significant novelties, in addition to adopting the so-called Greek fire (incendiary devices), use of arrows and burning vessels, they used catapults that launched projectiles burning, sometimes of such power and size that it was I need to mount them on two ships. Important was the arpax or harp, consisting of a catapult located on the deck of the ship that launched at a great distance a hook with which it was hooked to the enemy ship and allowed to attract it to board it. It was also a great novelty the corvus or crow, made of wood, a kind of drawbridge, placed vertically, of more than one meter wide and up to ten or more meters long, which at the end opposite the base had a iron hook; when he let go and fell heavily, he stuck into the enemy ship, preventing him from separating and allowing his boarding; as the base turned on itself and made a complete turn, the corvus threw itself in any direction. In this way the enemy ship could be captured without sinking it (battle of Milas, in Sicily, in 260 BC).

Milestones: Especially remarkable in the history of the bireme are the successes of Octavio: Battle of Nauloco (36 BC defeated Sexto Pompeyo), Battle of Actium (31 BC, defeated the fleets of Marco Antonio and Cleopatra). The use of the bireme lasted a long time, in the assault and conquest of Byzantium by the Turks in 1453, in the Ottoman fleet there were around 10 ships of this type.

On the obverse, in the central area, a detail of the work entitled "Roman ships. Birreme of war. Barco de Comercio ", made by Rafael Monleón y Torres, which is kept in the Naval Museum of Madrid. In the upper left, the legend BIRREME DE ROMAN WAR. In the lower part, the legend SPAIN and the year of minting 2019.

Armored Frigate Numancia

Period: 19th and 20th Centuries
Length: 96 m Beam: 17 m Draft: 8 m
Propulsion: Sailing and motor
Armament: Cannons and portable weaponry
This frigate, whose name evokes the deed of the Celtiberian inhabitants of Numancia in front of the Roman legions, has been one of the most important ships in the History of the Navy.

Built in the shipyards of La Seyne, in Toulon, launched on November 17, 1863, it was delivered in December of the following year.

It displaced 7,402 tons, with a power of machines of 1,000 CV, that propelled a propeller, with a walk of 12 long knots. He mounted three sticks with frigate rigging, for auxiliary sail navigation. On his teak hull he wore a 13 cm thick iron shield that shielded the frigate from 2.3m below the waterline to the main deck. The armament was modern for its time, with 34 guns of 20cm / 68 pounds. The endowment was of 590 men and cost a true fortune of the time: 8,322,252 pesetas. In 1877 it became the first ship of the Navy that had electrical lighting. In 1896 it was reconverted into an armored coastguard, the machine was changed, the armament was removed and the rigging of the sails was eliminated.

Milestones: In 1865 the Numancia joined the Pacific Squadron, sent by the Government to the hostile conduct of Chile and Peru with Spanish interests.

The commandant of Numancia, D. Casto Méndez Núñez, carried out an aggressive and aggressive campaign, which culminated in the bombings of Valparaíso and Callao (2.5.1866). After the war, part of the squadron returned through Cape Horn, and the rest, including Numancia, after a stopover in the Philippines by the Cape of Good Hope, arrived in Cadiz on 20.9.1867. It was the first battleship that went around the world, an immortalized milestone with the slogan "In Ioricata navis quae primo terram circuivit" before the astonishment of those who affirmed their inability to navigate ocean. In 1873, in Cartagena he joined the cantonal, being the flagship of the insurgent fleet. He participated in the bombing of Alicante and in the combats of Portman. His last war action was in 1909 in Morocco, bombing against rife positions in Barranco del Lobo. In August of 1911 some of the non-commissioned officers and part of the crew participated in the failed uprising of the Numancia in the waters of Tangier to overthrow the Monarchy and proclaim the Republic.

When decreeing the low one, after serving as school of orphans, many voices rose to conserve it like floating museum. Finally, when it was towed to Bilbao for scrapping, at the height of Lisbon it was surprised by a strong storm, which caused its collapse on December 17, 1916, after 51 years of services to Spain.

On the obverse, in the central area, an image of the work titled "Modern military navy is reproduced in colors. Battleships. Numancia Spanish frigate, which is preserved in the Naval Museum of Madrid. In the upper left, the legend FRAGATA ARENAAZADA NUMANCIA. In the lower part, the legend SPAIN and the year of minting 2019.

Spanish galleon of the seventeenth century

Period: From the 16th to the 17th century
Length: length-to- beam ratio from 3.2 to 3.5
Propulsion: Sail
Armament: Typical gunship: 13 guns per band on the first deck, 12 on the second, 3 per gang on poop and 4 Ditto in the castle.

It began to be named with this name in the sixteenth century, deriving its name from the galleys.
Their proeles forms were inspired by the galleys and their round sterns or "de culo de mona" (which later was flattened taking the form of a violin) with heights on the floating "in crescendo" throughout its historical development, for to be able to fight with advantage to the possible enemies. The adaptation to the Sevillian Guadalquivir was greatly influenced by its forms, by the passage of the Sanlúcar de Barrameda bar and the dangerous settlement of San Juan de Ulúa in Veracruz.

The first reference to this type of ship is dated in Oran in 1509, where a galleon of 144 tons and limited crew of 19 men was registered. In 1540, we found galleons that arc between 300 and 500 tons; and in that same year there are seats between the Crown and D. Álvaro de Bazán ("the Elder") of "galleons of new invention", the San Pedro and San Pablo of 600 and 700 tons respectively. A decade later, Bazán himself undertakes to build 3 current galleons and another 3 of "new invention", and all with "2000 tons" of displacement.

At the end of the seventeenth century, it could not yet be defined if the galleons were merchant ships or wars because it depended on the mission entrusted to them, in any case, they always had self-defense (cannons in battery) and progressively gave way to the line ship . In 1732, Felipe V ordered to replace the heavy galleons by lighter ships called "unregistered ships"

Milestones: The fleets of galleons, protected by the navies, due to the permanent action of piracy and corsarism, were the backbone of the support of the traffic with the Indies, transporting all kinds of merchandise on the way out and returning with the precious metals and fruits of those new lands. The route of the South Sea (Pacific Ocean) was served by the "galleon of Manila / Acapulco" that kept that name until the end of the vital link, although sometimes the galleons used were not exactly galleons.
On the obverse, in the central area, a detail of the work entitled "Renaissance. Galleons XVII century according to engravings. Paintings, drawings and descriptions of the time. Dutch galleon and Castilian galleon ", which is preserved in the Naval Museum of Madrid. In the upper left, the legend SPANISH GALEON SIGLO XVII. In the lower part, the legend SPAIN and the year of minting 2019.

Common Reverse 
On the back (common to all the pieces), inside a central circle, appears the value of the coin 1.5 EURO, in two lines and in capital letters, and the legend HISTORY OF NAVIGATION, in a circular and uppercase sense. Surround the legends of the central area a line of pine nuts. Outside the central circle, in the outer area of ​​the coin, there are six dolphins jumping, in a counter-clockwise direction, on the same aquatic motifs that appear on the anvers. It surrounds all the motifs and all the legends with a graphite of pine nuts. 
Characteristics of the coins

Facial: 1.5 euros Composition: Cupronickel Weight: 15 g Diameter: 33 mm Maximum emission volume: 10,000 of each Price: 16.94 € vat included

If you want to see the complete series, you can see it in what was published here on August 22nd. 
Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Luxemburg de niobiu - 25.06.2019

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  The Austrian Mint is behind the design and minting of the series of bimetallic coins in silver and niobium «Castles of Luxembourg», which is issued annually by the Central Bank of Luxembourg. This year's dedicated to the "Bourglinster Castle" has already been put on sale.

Data of the emission

Coin designed and minted by: Austrian Mint
Metals: 925 Silver and Niobium
Diameter: 34 mm
Issue volume: 3,000
Issue price: 90 €
Date of issue: June 2019

All the coins that make up the series, plus the common face.


2009 - Castle of Vianden 2010 - Castle of Esch-sur-Sûre 2011 - Castle of Mersch 2012 - Castle of Bourscheid 2013 - Castle of Beaufort 2014 - Castle of Larochette 2015 - Castle of Brandenburg 2016 - Castle of Clervaux 2017 - Castle of Useldange 2018 - Koerich Castle 2019 - Bourglinster Castle 
Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă britanică din Insulele Virgine Britanice - 25.06.2019

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British Virgin Islands 1 dollar 2019 - Andean Flamingo
New coloured virenium collectors item:

"Flamingos series 5th issue: Andean Flamingo"

LINK: The Pobjoy Mint

Sursa informațiilor aici.

duminică, 23 iunie 2019

Noi monede comemorative din Portugalia - 23.06.2019

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Portugal 2 euro 2019 - Discovery Of The Madeira Archipelago
New bimetallic circulating commemorative:

"600th Anniversary Of The Discovery Of The Madeira Archipelago"

External ring: CuNi
Center disc: 3 layers, Ni-Brass, Ni, Ni-brass
Diameter: 25.75 mm
Width: 2.20 mm
Weight: 8.50 g
Artists: Júlio Pomar e Luc Luycx

LINK: Portugal Mint

Sursa informațiilor aici.

Portugal 5 euro 2019 - Iberian Wolf
New commemorative:

"Threatened Species series: Iberian Wolf"

Composition: CuNi
Diameter: 33.00 mm
Weight: 14.00 g
Artists: Luis Valadares

LINK: Portugal Mint 

Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din SUA - 23.06.2019

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The third of the quarter (currency of 25 cents) of this year 2019 dedicated to the "National Historical Park of the War in the Pacific", located on the Island of Guam, was issued on June 3 as currency. The coin belongs to the series "America the Beautiful Quarter", dedicated to emblematic places and national parks of the United States.

The design of the reverse side of the coin portrays the US forces arriving in the Bay of Asan, which reinforces the number of troops on the island in the fight for Guam and its eventual liberation. The inscriptions are "WAR IN THE PACIFIC", "GUAM", "2019" and "E PLURIBUS UNUM", a Latin phrase meaning "Of many, one". It is one of the first national slogans in the United States and refers to the integration of the thirteen British colonies in North America to create a single independent country.

On the obverse of all the coins in the series, President George Washington is represented in a version restored by John Flanagan in 2010 of the original portrait used in 1932 in the Washington Quarter.

Data of the emission

Issue date: June 3, 2019
Centacles: P-Philadelphia D-Denver S-San Francisco
Design: Joel Iskowitz
Engraving: Michael Gaudioso

This coin is number 48 of the series, which began in 2010, each year five new designs have been issued and is scheduled to end in 2021, upon completion of the 56 of the collection.

Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Ucraina - 23.06.2019

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Dedicated to the outstanding mathematician, teacher, engineer-designer, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Honorary Scientist and Technician of Ukraine, awarded with several state and scientific prizes, Alekséi Pogorélov. The Bank of Ukraine issued on June 3 a coin with a facial of 2 grivnas in recognition of this illustrious personage.

Pogorélov's research made it possible to complete the development of the theory of complete irregular convex surfaces and laid the foundations of the nonlinear geometrical theory of shells, the most common elements of modern constructions. Alekséi Pogorélov is the author of dozens of monographs and textbooks (in particular, the textbook on geometry and the university textbooks on analytical and differential geometry), most of which are translated into English.


On the obverse of the coin: at the top is the Small State Emblem of Ukraine, on both sides of which are the inscriptions: NATIONAL (on the left), BANK OF UKRAINE (on the right); in the center, on a mirror background, a stylized composition: a helicoid (screw surface) is represented, against which the polygonal approximation of the curve and the face value is 2, under the name of the coin GRIVNA; The year of issue of the currency, 2019, (left), and logo of the Mint of the National Bank of Ukraine (right), complete the composition.

On the back of the coin on a mirror background is a portrait of Alekséi Pogorélov, to the left of which there is an abstract figure that symbolizes the topological studies of mathematics in geometry, and the inscriptions: ALEKSÉI / POGORÉLOV / 1919 - 2002.


Face value: 2 grivnas
Metal: Alpaca (German silver)
Diameter: 31 mm
Weight: 12.8 g
Issue volume: 35,000
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O nouă monedă comemorativă din Marea Britanie - 23.06.2019

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For those who, in addition to collecting coins for a hobby, want to do it as an investment, the ideal is to use bullion coins, coins minted in precious metals, mainly gold or silver, although there are also coins in platinum or palladium. The latest novelty in this type of coin was issued yesterday June 10 by The Royal Mint, it is a piece composed of an ounce of silver called The Valiant, which has an emission volume limited to 100,000 pieces. 

The coin The Valiant is inspired by the legend of St. George and the dragon, which presents all the key elements of a mythical fairy tale. It is a story driven by the underlying messages of duty, courage and courage. The Royal Mint has reinvented this traditional tale for the modern era and the numismatic investment market. A renewed version of the original interpretation of the artist Etienne Millner of the patron saint of England occupies a prominent place on the reverse of the coin, while the obverse presents the portrait of Elizabeth II of coin designer Jody Clark.

Pure silver content 1 Troy Ounce
Purity 999.9
Diameter 38.61 mm
Year 2019
Reverse designer Etienne Millner
Front Designer Jody Clark
Face value 2 pounds

In 2018 the first coin The Valiant was minted, with the same design, although then composed of ten ounces of silver and a facial of 10 pounds. This year there is also the ten ounce but it is the first time that one is coined.

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O nouă monedă comemorativă din Austria - 23.06.2019

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The eleventh and penultimate coin of the series Creatures Colorful is dedicated to a semi-aquatic member of the family of weasels, the Otter. Thanks to its waterproof coat, its aerodynamic shape and its stabilizing tail, this animal is an excellent swimmer and diver. Having greatly reduced the number of copies during the 20th century, fortunately, it is on the road to recovery.

Otter populations are recovering in many parts of Europe due to the prohibition of the most harmful pesticides used in the late 70's. Improving water quality and protecting their natural habitat that is favoring them. Otters inhabit uncontaminated freshwater areas of all kinds, but they can also thrive in saltwater environments provided they have regular access to fresh water for cleanup purposes. Despite being a secret creature by nature, the otter became a world-known species in the 1960s thanks to the book Ring of Bright Water (The Shimmering circle) and the film of the same name, which tell the true story of the naturalist and author Gavin Maxwell, who lives on the Scottish coast in the company of his pet, an otter.

This coin and all of the series have the peculiarity that they have been colored with special inks that make the silhouette of the animal represented in the piece shine in the dark. The Austrian Mint has officially issued the piece today June 12.

On the reverse of the coin the otter is represented among the silhouettes of the other eleven animals that appear in the series of Colorful Creatures. While an otter printed in color is shown on the front of the coin that shines in the dark.

For this series, a face value of 3 euros is used, which has never been used before by the Austrian Mint, and is also legal currency in the country. For three years one of these coins is being issued, approximately one every three months.

With a maximum circulation of 50,000 pieces, the coins are presented in special packages of ten coins, designed for distributors and individually for collectors.


Series: Colorful Creatures

Face value: 3 Euros

Diameter: 34 mm

Metal: Cupronickel

Weight: 16 g

The complete series


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Un nou catalog numismatic din Luxemburg - 23.06.2019 - PDF

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The Central Bank of Luxembourg has published the numismatic catalog corresponding to 2019, in which in the 68 pages of which it is included, we can find all the emissions that will be made available to collectors during this year, as well as relevant data on the same, as prices, volumes of emission and dates, in case these are decided. In addition they also make us an advance of the subject of some of the currencies that they will emit in 2020. 

This catalog not only allows us to know about this year, it also collects all the products issued since the arrival of the euro in 2002, with detailed information on each of them, and information on the issuance volumes of the circulating currencies issued, including already planned for this 2019.

Here is the link to the Catalog of Numismatic Emissions Luxembourg 2019

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Noi monede comemorative din Panama - 23.06.2019

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In the world there are countries that when issuing currencies do so with an enormous precision in time, say the case of Austria. One year in advance they broadcast their program of emissions facilitating in it the exact day that the coins will be issued, something that they then strictly comply with, and then we have some extreme example of the opposite, as it is what we can see today, in the that some coins are announced to commemorate an event that was celebrated in 2017, the coins have just come out in circulation in 2019 and have a date of 2017 and 2018. This we can call taking things slowly.

The coins issued by Panama of which I speak were put into circulation on Friday June 21 and commemorate the Centennial of the Panamanian Red Cross. The four million coins have been minted by the Royal Canadian Mint, as has been usual in recent years.


The first coin represents in color the worldwide known logo of the Red Cross in its central nucleus, and the inscriptions "CENTENARIO DE LA CRUZ ROJA PANAMEÑA" and the year of mintage "2017".

The second piece represents in its core and color a Red Cross volunteer in rescue work. The legends of the ring are «CENTENARIO (1917/2017) OF THE RED CROSS PANAMEÑA» and the year of minting «2018».

The reverse of this bimetallic coin is the same as the current currency of circulation of 1 balboa.

Characteristics first currency of circulation

Face value: 1 Balboa
Metal: Nickel-plated steel
Diameter: 26.5 mm
Weight: 7.2 g
Issue volume: 4,000,000 (2 million each)
Date of issue: June 21, 2019
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Lansarea volumelor Pontica 51 (2018) și Circulația monedei bizantine în Dobrogea (sec. VI-VIII), semnat de cerc. șt. I Gabriel Custurea

Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța (MINAC) organizează luni, 24 iunie 2019, ora 12:00, la sediul din Piața Ovidiu nr. 12, aula Adrian Rădulescu, lansarea volumelor Pontica 51 (2018) și Circulația monedei bizantine în Dobrogea (sec. VI-VIII), semnat de cerc. șt. I Gabriel Custurea.

Cu numărul 51 revista Pontica intră în cel de-al șaselea deceniu de apariție neîntreruptă, de-a lungul căreia a devenit, împreună cu Sesiunea Internațională cu același nume, cartea de vizită a activității științifice a MINAC. Volumul cuprinde studii privind istoria și arheologia spațiului danubiano-pontic, grupate în mai multe arii tematice: Historica (culte greco-romane și mitologii fondatoare în cetățile vest-pontice, elemente de istorie politico-militară, socială și religioasă oglindite în izvoare literare târzii, începuturile arheologiei dobrogene, istorie creștină), Archaeologica (preistorie, obiecte romane din sticlă, arheologie subacvatică de-a lungul litoralului românesc, rezultate ale cercetărilor arheologice din situri dobrogene, producție și tipologie ceramică în perioada romană târzie, sisteme defensive, piese din metal și prelucrarea lor în perioadele romano-bizantină și medievală), Epigraphica (inscripții grecești și latine inedite, dar și unele publicate anterior și revizuite), Ovidianum (studii dedicate vieții și operei poetului Publius Ovidius Nasso, prezentate în cadrul Simpozionului Științific Internațional Evocări ovidiene: poezie-mitologie-realitate istorică, organizat de Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța între 10 și 12 mai 2017), Nomismata (istorie monetară în perioadele elenistică, romană și bizantină timpurie). Volumul se încheie cu o serie de recenzii ale unor lucrări de specialitate recent publicate și cu lista noilor intrări în biblioteca muzeului. O secțiune separată este dedicată memoriei academicianului Șerban Papacostea, dealtfel membru în comitetul științific al revistei Pontica.

Circulația monedei bizantine în Dobrogea (sec. VI-VIII), semnat de cercet. șt. I Gabriel Gh. Custurea, completează, alături de volumul anterior, dedicat perioadei secolelor IX-XI, imaginea dinamicii monedei bizantine în spațiul danubiano-pontic. Cercetătorul constănțean centralizează și analizează materialul numismatic aparținând perioadei enunțate în titlu, publicat în literatura de specialitate de-a lungul a peste patru decenii. Piesele numismatice discutate aparțin colecțiilor unor instituții de specialitate din țară: Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța, Institututl de Arheologie „Vasile Pârvan” București, Biblioteca Academiei Române, Muzeul Național de Istorie a României, etc. Volumul, publicat în ediție bilingvă română - engleză, se desfășoară de-a lungul a două prime capitole care tratează istoricul cercetărilor numismatice pentru perioada analizată și enunță considerațiile istorice rezultate din studierea colecțiilor monetare. A doua parte a publicației conține un util repertoriu arheologic al siturilor care au furnizat materialul numismatic analizat, precum și două detaliate repertorii ale descoperirilor monetare (monede izolate și tezaure monetare).

Sursa informațiilor Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța.

sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2019

O nouă revistă numismatică din Belgia - 22.06.2019 - PDF

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Today I'm going to leave you the magazine published by the Monnaie Royal de Belgique, three or four times a year, in which it shows us the latest issues put on sale by the Belgian Mint. 

Above you see the cover of the number 78 of the journal Monnaie Info dated May 2019. I leave you with the version that can be read in French, I think that even if you do not master the language, you will understand it without problems.

Link to the magazine

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