vineri, 13 aprilie 2018

Despre monedele comemorative emise de Spania - 13.04.2018 - PDF

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Of very interesting you can qualify the document that I have uploaded to Visual Numismatics, in which you can consult all the euro coins of collection minted and issued by the FNMT in Spain, since 2002, year in which the euro was officially used, until the last year, 2017. 

What I am going to leave you, so that you can know all of them, is a PDF document made by the Bank of Spain that contains the links to the FNMT pages where all the information and images of each of these coins issued up to 2017 are, it also contains the link to the ministerial order published in the BOE for the issuance of the coins. The document also shows us the maximum volume of emission that was authorized at the time and another series of interesting data. I hope you find it helpful.

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