vineri, 13 aprilie 2018

Despre câteva monede comemorative din Letonia - 13.04.2018

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Until next April 17 we can vote for one of the six collection coins issued by Latvia in 2017. Just by choosing the design that we like most we can win some of the sixteen coins that will be drawn among the participants. This year the contest is open to participate from any country.

The candidates

Popular Songs of Latvia Series - Smith Fish in the Sky


Fairy Tales Coins Series - The Old Man's Mitten

100 Years of the First Meeting of the National Council 

Centenary of the Latgale Congress


150 Years of the Birth of the Poet Eduards Veidenbaums

Latvian Gold Brooches - Horseshoe Brooch

You have already seen the six coins for which you can vote, they are all the collection coins issued by Latvia in 2017. The coins that are drawn correspond to the same coins for which you can vote, one of them, the last one that I have presented, is coined in gold, therefore the one that has a more important value.

Since 2004, the Bank of Latvia has given the opportunity, through voting, to choose the best collection currency issued the previous year. Since 1995, a total of 85 collector coins have been issued in lats and 26 collector coins in euros, which you can see here , with designs by more than 50 Latvian artists.

From here you can vote . Good luck, and if someone wins a coin that tells us.

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