marți, 17 ianuarie 2017

Despre ultimele monede comemorative emise de Ucraina în 2016 - 16.01.2017

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I will recapitulate in a single entry and more or less telegraph, the last three coins issued during December 2016 by the Bank of Ukraine of which I had not yet informed you. That's how we catch up, because at the moment they have not yet issued coins in 2017.

In the series dedicated to the "Centers of higher education of Ukraine", was issued on 12 December a coin with facial of 2 hryven, dedicated to the University of Economy and Commerce of Lviv.


Face value: 2 Hryven
Metal: Alpaca
Diameter: 31 mm
Weight: 12.8 g
Issuing volume: 30,000

Inside the series "Personalities of Ukraine" was issued on December 19, a coin with 2 hryven facial dedicated to the Ukrainian actor Bohdan Stupka.


Face value: 2 Hryven
Metal: Alpaca
Diameter: 31 mm
Weight: 12.8 g
Issuing volume: 25,000

Finally, on 22 December, a coin with facial of 5 hryven dedicated to the city of Drogóbich was issued, within the series "Ancient Cities of Ukraine".

Face value: 5 Hryven
Metal: Alpaca
Diameter: 35 mm
Weight: 16.54 g
Issuing volume: 30,000
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