vineri, 29 aprilie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă din San Marino - 29.04.2016

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The fourth centenary of the death of William Shakespeare's why San Marino elected to issue its second commemorative 2-euro coin in 2016. Today and you can show the first image and data updates on this piece.

The reason reproduces a portrait of the poet. To the right and in a semicircle include the dates "1616-2016" and the name of the issuing country "San Marino"; down, right, the artist's initials "MB" (Matthew Bonaccorsi). To the left and in a semicircle, the inscription "William Shakespeare"; down, left, the mint mark "R".

The announced issue volume is 85,000 coins, as to the date intended to be put up for sale will be during the month of September.

William Shakespeare


(Stratford on Avon, United Kingdom, 1564-1616) English poet and dramatist. Only with his verses had already passed to the history of literature; for his theatrical genius, and especially by the impressive portrait of the human condition in his great tragedies, Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright of all time, although it was already revered in his time, his reputation did not reach the extremely high current levels until the century XIX.

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