marți, 29 decembrie 2015

Kazakhstan a pus în circulaţie două noi monede comemorative - 29.12.2015

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The Bank of Kazakhstan issued last December 25 a new currency, the fifth in the series Popular Stories Kazakhstan, dedicated to Nasreddin Hodja, a character from the popular and satirical of the peoples of the Muslim East stories. This coin is available in two values;The 50 tenge struck in an alloy of nickel, and 500 tenge minted in silver. 

Features of the coin
Denomination: 50 tenge
Metal: nickel alloy
Weight: 11.17 g
Diameter: 31.0 mm
Circulation: 100,000

Here you can see the other four issued
Features of the coin

Denomination: 500 tenge
Metal: 925 silver
Weight: 31.1 g
Diameter: 38.61 mm
Circulation: 2,000

Here you can see the other four issued

Nasreddin Hodja

Nasreddin is a mythical character from the popular Sufi tradition, a kind of anti-hero of Islam, whose stories serve to illustrate or introduce Sufi teachings are supposed lived in the Anatolian Peninsula in an indeterminate period between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries.

Nasr-ed-Din means "Victory of Faith" and Hodja , "master" or "teacher". It is also known as "The teacher Nasreddin" ( Nasreddin Hodja ) and Mulla Nasrudin .

Its origin is medieval and is known in places like Egypt, Syria, Iran, Central Asia, Pakistan and India. Also in Turkey and Russia. His fame spread from Mongolia to Turkey, and even southern Italy, Sicily (where he is known by the name of Giufà) and in Sardinia and his adventures and anecdotes told in many different languages.

Mullah Nasruddin is a (teacher) who stars in a long series of stories-adventure-stories-stories, representing different roles: farmer, father, judge, merchant, scholar, teacher or fool. Each of these short stories do reflect who reads or hears, like a fable, and it often humorous, with simple everyday humor, sometimes with apparent contradictions and absurdities. 
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