marți, 29 decembrie 2015

Kazakhstan a pus în circulaţie alte trei noi monede comemorative (personalităţi) - 29.12.2015

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Kazakhstan 50 tenge 2015 - I. Esenberlin
New commemorative:

"Centenary of I. Esenberlin"

(news and image by Shamik Biswas)

Weight: 11.17 g
Diameter: 31.00 mm
Thickness: 2.00 mm
Edge: grooved with 10 sectors of corrugation

LINK: National Bank of Kazakhstan

Sursa informaţiilor aici

Kazakhstan 50 tenge 2015 - J. Tashenev
New commemorative:

"Centenary of J. Tashenev"

(news and image by Shamik Biswas)

Weight: 11.17 g
Diameter: 31.00 mm
Thickness: 2.00 mm
Edge: grooved with 10 sectors of corrugation

LINK: National Bank of Kazakhstan 

Sursa informaţiilor aici.

Kazakhstan 50 tenge 2015 - E. Bekmahanov

New commemorative:

"Centenary of E. Bekmahanov"

(news and image by Shamik Biswas)

Weight: 11.17 g
Diameter: 31.00 mm
Thickness: 2.00 mm
Edge: grooved with 10 sectors of corrugation

LINK: National Bank of Kazakhstan 

Sursa informaţiilor aici.

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