miercuri, 7 august 2024

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Cipru - 07.08.2024

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Pay attention to the information I bring you today, August 7, and we could be talking about the 2 euro commemorative coin with the lowest mintage of all those issued to date, far exceeding the 10,000 units of the one issued by Monaco in 2015 under the name "800 Years of the Fortress of Monaco."

Thanks to our colleague Paul (Euromunter) I have had access to a document sent by the Central Bank of Cyprus to the European Commission, in which the Cypriot side requests approval for the issuance of a commemorative 2 euro coin during the fourth quarter of 2024 to commemorate the “20th Anniversary of the Accession of Cyprus to the European Union”. Within this document, which describes the design of the coin and offers a first image of it, it can also be read that the volume of the coin will be 7,000 units, all presented in a case.

Now it will be up to the European Commission and the countries that belong to the Eurozone to veto or not this proposal or to have it modified so that it is approved, something that normally does not take more than 15 working days. It is quite curious that the request for the issuance of this new currency was sent to the European Commission in the first days of August (day 5), when we all know that this month most people are on vacation, the system operates with minimal services and with people who are not usually the usual ones. So allow me to think that all this seems quite suspicious and aimed at passing the filters for approval without making too much noise.

The image I have of the coin is quite bad and in black and white, I have tried to color it and improve it a little so that it can be appreciated as best as possible.

Regarding the theme to which the future coin is dedicated, I will give you a few brief outlines.

20th Anniversary of Cyprus' Accession to the European Union

On 1 May 2004, Cyprus joined the European Union along with nine other countries. This year marks the 20th anniversary of that accession, a significant milestone for the island.

Cyprus' accession to the EU has brought with it numerous changes and challenges. While many Cypriots value the stability and economic opportunities that EU membership has provided, there are also mixed feelings due to the island's continued division and historical tensions with Turkey.
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