vineri, 21 iunie 2024

Noi bancnote de circulație din Abhazia - 21.06.2024

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Abkhazia new 10-apsar note (B103a) confirmed introduced on 10.06.2024


B103 (PNL): 10 ҧсар (apsars) (US$1.55)

Red, orange, blue, green, brown, and yellow. Front: Abkhaz text; coat of arms of Abkhazia; apsars symbol; seven 5-pointed stars; paw print; face of leopard; ancient bronze axe with primitive drawing of animal; coat of arms of Abkhazia. Back: Abkhaz text; apsars symbol; ancient bronze axe with primitive drawing of animal; stylized upper part of alabasha (traditional Abkhaz military and hierarchical staff); fern; seven 5-pointed stars; QR-code. No security thread. Watermark: Unknown. Printer: (Goznak). 150 x 65 mm. Paper.

a. 2024. Sig. 1: Baratelia. Prefix AA. Intro: 10.06.2024.

Courtesy of Alex Zlotin, Antje Bird, Claudio Marana.


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Abkhazia new 100-apsar note (B104a) reportedly introduced on 10.06.2024


B104 (PNL): 100 ҧсар (apsars) (US$15)

Purple, yellow, blue, orange, brown, and green. Front: Abkhaz text; apsars symbol; coat of arms of Abkhazia; seven 5-pointed stars; flower; snow-covered Caucasus mountain; red deer wth antlers; blackbird perched on pine branch with cones and needles. Back: Abkhaz text; ancient bronze tools; ruins of dolmens and cromlechs; seven 5-pointed stars; amphora; QR-code. No security thread. Watermark: Unknown. Printer: (Goznak). 150 x 65 mm. Paper.

a. 2024. Sig. 1: Baratelia. Prefix AA. Intro: 10.06.2024.

Courtesy of Alex Zlotin, Antje Bird, Claudio Marana.


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