miercuri, 15 mai 2024

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Belgia - 15.05.2024

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In Belgium, a new coin with a face of 2.5 euros is issued to highlight the importance of the Bee, both in the country itself and in the rest of the planet.

In addition to their role as honey producers, bees are vitally important pollinators. Without their active contribution, as well as that of bumblebees, butterflies and bats, our food security would be seriously threatened. In fact, without bees, there would be no coffee, nuts, vegetables, fruits…

Unfortunately, bee populations around the world have declined significantly in recent decades. Belgium is no exception. Intensive agriculture, rampant urbanization and irrational use of pesticides have taken a heavy toll. Fortunately, in recent years many initiatives have been taken to increase the birth rate in our colonies. In 2017, the United Nations decided to proclaim May 20 as World Bee Day and many countries have launched awareness-raising actions such as “Stop mowing in May.” Thus, there would be more flowers and less grass in our parks and gardens, which will produce much more pollen for bees.

This 2.5 euro euro coin highlights the ecological importance of our bees and at the same time reminds us that it is essential to protect their biodiversity against alterations to our environment and our climate.

The obverse shows a bee and a stylized cherry blossom. In the background is the map of Belgium represented in the form of bee cells. This image becomes more or less visible by changing the position coin.

The reverse of this coin presents the usual graphic elements on the pieces of this face, such as the face value, the year and the map of Europe. Surrounded by the trilingual legend BELGIË-BELGIQUE-BELGIEN.

The coin comes presented on a coincard and is available in two languages, French and Dutch, with a small variation in the card design.

Technical characteristics of the coins

Country: Belgium
Quality: BU
Face value: 2.5 euros
Coin Design: Iris Bruijns
Diameter: 31mm
Metal: silver copper
Weight: 28.28g
Issuance volume: 120,000

The sale price in Belgium of this coin is 10 euros.

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