marți, 9 aprilie 2024

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Germania - 09.04.2024

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This year in Spain we are celebrating the Bicentennial of the National Police, which is why two new coins have been issued in our country, one of 2 euros for circulation and another for collection in silver. Another country that also recognizes its Police is Germany, with a 10 euro coin that will be issued on April 25 and that we present here today.

Police in Germany
In Germany there are 16 state police forces and three police forces at the federal level: the Federal Police, the Federal Criminal Police Office and the German Bundestag police. Its activities focus mainly on the proactive defense of dangers (preventive action) and the prosecution of crimes (repressive action). When people talk about the police, they often think of uniformed officers who are often the first point of contact in an emergency and also the first to respond to the scene of an accident or crime. Its functions go far beyond the prosecution of crimes or the protection of events. For example, they monitor public traffic areas and regularly organize prevention events to avoid accidents or crimes: from cycling training in primary schools to effective protection against thieves and prevention measures based on the needs of older people, such as against attempted break-ins. internet fraud. Police officers are also involved in domestic violence cases and are often exposed to attacks against themselves.

In addition, there are special police units at the federal state level for various operational purposes. For example, riot police support their colleagues on the ground at large special events, such as football matches and demonstrations, or in repairing storm damage. The maritime police ensure security on the seas and navigable waterways, while the judicial police mainly prosecute criminal offenses and are the investigative authority of the prosecutor's office.

At the federal level, the Federal Criminal Police Office is the central information collection office and serves as a liaison with international law enforcement authorities such as Europol when it comes to combating international drug and human trafficking or terrorism. The Federal Police protects the borders of the Federal Republic of Germany and ensures security at airports and railway stations.

This panorama, which is far from complete, alone illustrates that the work of the police is extremely multifaceted. All those who carry out their duties in it are aware that their own physical integrity may be at risk. This risk is accepted to maintain order in the Federal Republic of Germany and so that all citizens can lead a carefree life for security reasons.

The coin

This coin belongs to the series called "At the Service of Society", a collection focused on raising awareness of the importance of professional groups that are essential for the functioning of society. All issues in this series are characterized by having a plastic ring in the characteristic color of each professional group. In the case of this coin, the ring is defined in a cobalt blue color.

On the obverse of the coin, designed by the artist Lorenz Crössmann, two police officers are shown, recognizable by their clothing, appearing closely to the citizens, and clearly representing the theme of the series "At the service of society." In the background we can see other representations of police personnel, as well as rural and urban areas. At the top appears the police emblem, and a shield-shaped box, which represents all state and federal police forces.

While on the reverse, designed by the artist Patrick Niesel, the common motif of all the coins in the series appears: an eagle, the inscription "BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND", the face value "10 EURO", the year of issue "2024" , the twelve European stars and, according to the Mint, its mint mark "A" (Berlin), "D" (Munich), "F" (Stuttgart), "G" (Karlsruhe) and "J" (Hamburg). ).

The edge of the coin is engraved with the inscription: “IM DIENST DER GESELLSCHAFT ●” (SERVING SOCIETY ●). 

This cupronickel alloy coin will be available in BU quality at its face value of 10 euros in German Banks, and in Proof quality for a price of around 30 euros. It weighs 9.8 g and has a diameter of 28.75 mm.

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