marți, 19 martie 2024

Monedele comemorative emise de Letonia în 2023 - 19.03.2024

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From today, March 19 until April 4, you can vote for the collection coin that you like the most from those issued in Latvia during the year 2023. Additionally, with your vote you will participate in the draw for 18 of these coins.

The Bank of Latvia, in collaboration with the news portal Delfi, organizes the traditional public vote “Latvian currency of the year 2023”. The vote is the most important event in Latvian monetary art and is organized for the 20th time.

We are all invited to express our opinion on which of the collector coins minted in 2023 is the most attractive in terms of artistic solution and history. The Bank of Latvia invites the public to vote and offers the chance to win one of six coins (3 of each) issued in 2023. Anyone can vote for their favorite coin, whatever country they live in.

The candidates

Riga Museum of History and Navigation

The museum, founded in 1773, is one of the oldest public museums in Europe, and the oldest museum in the Baltics.

The shape of the coin has been made inspired by the fans in the museum's collection, which were a typical part of women's wardrobe at the time the museum was created and founded. The fan, in addition to its practicality, used to have a more important function: communicating a wide range of non-verbal messages in a public setting.

On the obverse of the coin a light source is depicted, from which the light rays diffused by the fan are collected, amplified and focused in one direction using a lens. The lens symbolizes the museum, a repository of knowledge that spreads light: it broadens horizons and encourages learning.

The cheerful and observant gaze of Dr. Nikolaus von Himsel (1729-1764), founding father of the Riga Museum of History and Navigation, is depicted on the reverse.

100 Years of Basketball in Latvia

The year 2023 was the centenary of basketball in Latvia, since the Latvian Basketball Federation was founded in 1923.

On the obverse of the coin we can see a basketball basket with a gold-plated ball on the edge of the hoop. While on the back there is a tactical diagram of a basketball game.

The Golden Horses

The coin is dedicated to the theme of the golden horse, widely represented in mythology and literary works.

On the obverse of the coin two horses appear with their right legs raised and crowns on their heads. The reverse shows a cart wheel.

Riga Fashion

This coin is dedicated to the history of Latvian fashion. 

The obverse of the coin features a seated woman with red lips and a dress with bright floral prints. On the reverse, the top of the coin features a fabric swatch and a stylized blue pattern for making clothing, while the bottom features a cut-to-size piece of fabric with a floral print.

Celebration of Song and Dance

The Latvian tradition of the Celebration of Song and Dance is inscribed on UNESCO's Representative List of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, being a globally recognized cultural value. 

The obverse of the coin with a horizontal rectangular shape reflects the characteristic horizontality of a choir on the open-air stage. The shape of the coin is counter-pressed, creating a united, sculptural undulating movement, rhythm. It also presents five multicolor bands that symbolize the ranks of the choir singers, the multitude of voices and the polyphony characteristic of choral music. The selected colors match the shades of Latvian national costumes. The reverse of the coin is monochrome and the text refers to the 150th anniversary of this tradition.


The coin is dedicated to the distinguished figure of Latvian culture Imants Ziedonis.

The obverse features an image of a person in motion with connecting lines of dots running through their body resembling a constellation. In the background of this image, a starry sky is depicted at the top of the coin, while a frosty terrain appears at the bottom.

The reverse shows a tree with branches full of buds and different living beings, including a person reading a book.

We will vote

You have already seen the six for which you can vote, they are all the collector coins issued by Latvia in 2023. The voting results will be announced on April 19, 2024 at the latest.

From here you can vote. Once you have voted, a screen will open to leave your information. 
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