joi, 22 februarie 2024

O nouă monedă comemorativă din San Marino - 22.02.2024

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Today, real images of the two commemorative 2 euro coins that San Marino will issue this year have been revealed. One will be dedicated to the “530th anniversary of the death of Ghirlandaio” and the other to the “50th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of Citizens and of the Fundamental Principles of Law of San Marino”.

530th anniversary of Ghirlandaio's death

Domenico Bigordi, known as Ghirlandaio because he was the son of a craftsman famous for his female headdresses in the form of garlands, is considered one of the most important figures of the Renaissance and the city of Florence. In the time of Lorenzo the Magnificent. In particular, around 1480 he became the de facto official portraitist of Florentine high society, thanks to his precise, pleasant and quick style. He is mainly remembered for his large fresco cycles, including the Stories of Saint Francis, commissioned from the artist by the Florentine banker Francesco Sassetti, who had commissioned him to paint the frescoes for the family chapel of the church of Santa Trinita in Florence. The altarpiece above the altar of the Adoration of the Shepherds, painted in tempera on panel, is the worthy culmination of his grandiose work.

50th anniversary of the San Marino Declaration of Citizens' Rights and Fundamental Principles of Law 

Law No. 59 of July 8, 1974 "Declaration of the rights of citizens and the fundamental principles of the legal system of San Marino" undoubtedly represented a very significant moment in the political and institutional life of the Republic. For the first time, after the 1906 Arengo, the principles of the separation of powers were enshrined in a higher law and the functions of the Regency, the Great and General Council, the State Congress and the judiciary were specified, confirming their respective autonomy and independence. With Law No. 59 of July 8, 1974, the fundamental and inviolable rights of citizens were affirmed, at the same time that the basic canons were defined in support of a free and democratic community, rooted in centuries of history of independence and now projected towards a future of progress and peace, which sees it as a part, although small but significant, of the international community. The hierarchy of legal institutions is established in detail; recognition at the constitutional level of the principles established in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms is guaranteed; The College is established as guarantor of the constitutionality of the rules.

Issue dates and volumes

Issue dates have not been provided at the moment. As for the emission volumes, they are the same for both, 56,000 in BU quality and 3,000 in Proof quality.

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