sâmbătă, 2 decembrie 2023

O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Kazahstan - 02.12.2023

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Kazakhstan new 10,000-tenge commemorative note (B154a) confirmed introduced on 15.11.2023

This 10,000-tenge note commemorate 30 years of the tenge as the national currency of Kazakhstan.

B154 (PNL): 10,000 теңге (tenge) (US$26)

Blue, pink, and brown. Front (vertical): Kazakh text; Möbius strip; Kazakh coat of arms; outline map of Kazakhstan with regions adorned with various traditional Kazakh ornaments. Back: Kazakh text; outline of the map of the Eurasian continent; tenge symbol in purple-to-green SPARK; Möbius strip; tenge coin. 5mm-wide purple-to-green windowed security thread with demetalized tenge symbol and 30. Watermark: Tenge symbol. Printer: (BFoNBK). 145 x 70 mm. Composite (Durasafe).

a. 2023. Sig 8. Prefix AA. 3,000,000 notes. Intro: 15.11.2023.

Courtesy of Dmitriy Litvak.


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