duminică, 5 noiembrie 2023

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Germania - 05.11.2023

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On September 28, a coin was issued in Germany to commemorate the centenary of the birth of Vicco von Bülow, known by the stage name Loriot (November 12, 1923 – August 22, 2011), one of the greatest and most versatile German comedians.

To increase its expressiveness and attractiveness, the coin contains a colorful decorative element. The obverse was designed by Studio Loriot and the Berlin Mint, while the reverse is based on a design by Stuttgart-based artist Ulrich Böhme.

The obverse shows the "Rosenkavalier" (The Rose Knight), one of Vicco von Bülow's most famous drawings. In fact, it is an iconic figure that Loriot used to sketch as a special gift along with autographs. The coin combines the color of the rose with the relief of the bust portrait. The inscriptions indicate the name and dates in which the person honored lived.

The reverse shows a stylized eagle, the inscription "BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND", the face value "20 EURO", the year of issue "2023", the mint mark "A" of the Berlin Mint, the twelve European stars and the metal and its purity “SILBER 925”.

The smooth edge of the coin contains the raised inscription: "ACH WAS" (OH WHAT).

The coin has been minted in sterling silver (Ag 925). It weighs 18 g, has a diameter of 32.5 mm and has BU and Proof versions. The BU mint quality coin was put on sale at its face value (20 euros). The Proof quality coin was for about 40 euros. The total emission volume is around one million pieces.


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