miercuri, 22 noiembrie 2023

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Bulgaria - 22.11.2023

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Continuing with the series of coins called "Medieval Bulgarian Rulers", the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) recently issued, dated November 20 of this year, a new partially gold-plated silver commemorative coin, dedicated to Tsar Michael Asen III (Miguel Shishman – Mikhail Shishman).

With the death of the young Bulgarian tsar Georgi Terter II, the Terter ovtsi dynasty came to an end. Later, there was a time of interregnum when individual boyars waged a struggle to place their chosen one on the throne.
Meanwhile, Byzantium conquered almost all the Bulgarian territories south of Stara Planina (the Balkans). At that time, to avoid the danger of anarchy and internal strife, the High Boyar Council of Tarnovo elected the Vidin despot Mikhail Shishman as Tsar of Bulgaria. He became the founder of the last Bulgarian ruling dynasty of the Middle Ages, the Shishmanovtsi, and ruled under the name Mikhail III Shishman (1323-1330).

The obverse of the coin features: in the center, a gold-plated medallion with an image of the monogram of Tsar Mikhail III Shishman next to the mythological creature of the griffin. Below, we see the BNB logo with the year "1879", the face value "10 ЛЕВА" (10 leva), the year of issue "2023", and surrounding the composition, the inscription "БЪЛГАРСКА НАРОДНА БАНКА" (National Bank of Bulgaria).

While the reverse of the piece presents: in the center, a replica of a medieval Bulgarian gold coin with an image of Tsar Mikhail III Shishman on horseback, and below it the years "1323 - 1330". Surrounding the central design we find the inscription «СРЕДНОВЕКОВНИ БЪЛГАРСКИ ВЛАДЕТЕЛИ» (medieval Bulgarian rulers) at the top, and below, the text «ЦАР МИХАИЛ III ШИ “ШМАН” (Tsar Mikhail III Shishman).

Technical characteristics of the currency and its issuance

Country Bulgaria
Year 2023
Face Value 10 cams
Metal Silver
Purity 999
Weight 23.33g
Diameter 38.61mm
Singing Smooth
Quality proof
Issuance volume 5,000


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