miercuri, 16 august 2023

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Franța - 16.08.2023

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La Monnaie de Paris has issued a 10-euro silver coin to commemorate 10 years of the marriage law for all, which constituted progress in terms of equal rights and recognition of the diversity of couples and families.

This broadcast is part of the fight against LGBTIphobias and for inequalities. All the benefits generated from the sale of this coin will go to the organization "SOS Homophobie" to support them in the process of raising awareness and inclusion.

On May 17, 2013, France passed a landmark law allowing same-sex marriage, becoming the 14th country to officially do so. This victory was the result of a long struggle that began with the 1969 Stonewall riots in the United States and has continued throughout the world. In France, the fight for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community has been particularly intense, and this law represents a great step towards equality and inclusion.

First used in 1978 at the San Francisco Gay Pride, the flag of the LGBT+ movement is inspired by the hues of the rainbow, reflecting by diffraction all the colors of the human race. The two rainbows intersect in the shape of infinity, highlighting the diversity of the human race. The colors present at the bottom of the coin correspond to the colors of the "flag of progress", with a chevron of five colors: black and brown represent marginalized people of color, and white, pink and blue. Of course, for their part, they reflect those of the transgender Pride flag.

The reverse of the piece shows the face value surrounded by two branches, one of oak and the other of laurel, which evoke the symbol of the Euro. The entire pattern on the reverse is framed by a set of lines representing a hexagon.

Technical characteristics of the coin and its issue

Country France
Year 2023
Face value 10 euros
Metal Silver
Purity 333
Weight 13g
Diameter 31mm
Quality BU
Roll 10,000

The sale price of this coin in France is about 15 euros.
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