joi, 27 iulie 2023

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Cipru - 27.07.2023

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Among so many 2 euro commemorative coins there are some with rare designs, but I think the one I show you today is better than what I have seen so far. If the coin in hand doesn't change much, I think we may be facing one of the rarest and ugliest pieces in this extensive and growing collection.

The sketch that I show you is the one that Cyprus has sent to the European Commission and that has already been approved for the coin dedicated to the "60th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Central Bank of Cyprus".

The design shows tools on a microchip as a symbol of the stability of the economy in the modern industrial and digital age guaranteed by the Central Bank of Cyprus, which commemorates its sixty years of existence. At the bottom are the name of the issuing country "ΚYΠΡΟΣ KIBRIS" as well as the dates "1963-2023". On the
inside of the national side of the coin is the inscription "60 ΧΡOΝΙΑ ΑΠO ΤΗΝ IΔΡΥΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΚΕΝΤΡΙKHΣ ΤΡAΠΕΖΑΣ ΤΗΣ ΚYΠΡΟΥ" (ie sixty years from the foundation of the Central Bank of Cyprus). The circular crown of the coin features the twelve stars of the European flag.

412,000 units will be minted (400,000 for circulation and 12,000 for collectors in special presentations). The broadcast date has not been announced.


The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) was established in 1963, shortly after Cyprus gained its independence, in accordance with the Central Bank of Cyprus Act 1963 and the relevant articles of the Constitution.

The main objective of the CBC is to guarantee price stability. Without prejudice to its primary objective, subject to fulfilling its obligations under the provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Community, as currently amended, the CBC supports the general economic policy of the government.

The CBC exercises all powers necessary to achieve its objectives, including powers deriving from the CBC's participation in the European System of Central Banks (ESCB).

2 euro commemorative coins 2023

2 euro commemorative coins of Cyprus


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