sâmbătă, 24 iunie 2023

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Columbia - 24.06.2023

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The Bank of the Republic of Colombia has issued this June a new commemorative coin of 10,000 pesos dedicated to the Naval Battle of Lake Maracaibo, a naval confrontation that took place on July 24, 1823.

The naval battle took place between the squadron of the Navy of the Kingdom of Spain led by Captain Ángel Laborde y Navarro, and the squadron of the Republic of Colombia led by Admiral José Prudencio Padilla from New Granada.

The armed conflict ended with the victory of the Republican forces, since almost the entire Spanish squadron was captured or destroyed. The defeat of the Spanish forces handed over the city of Maracaibo, previously occupied by the royalists, thus definitively consolidating the independence of the former Spanish colonies of New Granada and Venezuela.

To commemorate the battle, every July 24 is celebrated in Colombia and Venezuela, the Day of the Colombian National Navy and the Bolivarian Navy.

On the obverse of the piece we see an image of Admiral José Padilla López, to his left is the text "ADMIRANTE JOSÉ PADILLA LÓPEZ" and the phrase "Die or be free", which is born from a proclamation addressed to his men before starting the historic contest In addition, the following inscriptions are included: "200 YEARS OF THE NAVAL BATTLE OF LAKE MARACAIBO", "JULY 24, DAY OF THE COLOMBIAN NAVY" and "1823-2023". Finally, it includes the image of a ship with its sails unfolded sailing through the ocean.

The reverse incorporates the image of the shield of the Navy of the Republic of Colombia, which contains three stripes, within which are the emblems of the national coat of arms of Colombia: two cornucopias and a grenade, the Phrygian hat and the image of the two Colombian oceans. The following elements are also inscribed: "REPÚBLICA DE COLOMBIA", the year of issue "2023", the face value of 10,000 pesos, and a latent image as a security element that, depending on the angle from which it is viewed, will reflect the initials “BR” or the Arabic numeral “10”.


Country: Colombia
Year: 2023
Face Value: 10,000 pesos
Metal: cupronickel
Weight: 21.75g
Diameter: 35mm
Quality: BU
Throw: 200,000
Date of issue: June 21, 2023


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