sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2023

O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Ucraina - 25.02.2023

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Ukraine new 20-hryvnia numismatic products (BNP812a/b) reportedly introduced on 23.02.2023

This note—entitled “We will note forget! We will not forgive!”—commemorates “Ukraine’s struggle against the Russian invaders and celebrates the fortitude, resilience, indomitability, and heroism of Ukrainians.” It was issued on the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It is considered legal tender, but is sold at a premium to face value.

BNP812 (PNL): 20 гривень (hryven) (US$0.75)

Blue, purple, yellow, red, green, brown, and black. Front (vertical): English and Ukrainian text; coat of arms; flags of allies United Kingdom, European Union, United States, and Canada; Oleksandr Smirnov’s photo of three Ukrainian soldiers wearing uniforms, hoisting Ukrainian state flag; fragment of map of Ukraine; stylized steppe with poppies symbolizing Ukraine’s dead defenders; laurel wreath; symbol of hryvnia, logotype of National Bank of Ukraine, shoulder patch of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, emblem of Ukraine’s Armed Forces; coat of arms as registration device. Back (vertical): Ukrainian text; coat of arms as registration device; outlines of destroyed houses; crown of thorns; guilder rose and anti-tank hedgehog as SPARK device; hands tied behind a person’s back; stylized poppies representing bullet wounds. 12-mm wide security thread. Watermark: Electrotype coat of arms on leaves and grapes. Printer: (National Bank of Ukraine). 80 x 165 mm. Paper.

a. No date. Sig. 13: Pyshnyy. Prefix 3C.
Note in souvenir packaging. 200,000 notes. Intro: 23.02.2023.
b. Note in envelope. 99,900 notes.

Courtesy of Tomasz Jazwinski and Igor Tereshkov.


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